Doug Stowe, who has written many articles and books for Fine Woodworking, was named a Living Treasure by Arkansas Department of Arkansas Heritage and the Arkansas Arts Council in 2009. In conjunction with that honor, a short film (click to watch the film. We can’t embed it.) has been produced about Doug, and it’s worth a watch. Not only does it highlight Doug’s work as a box maker, but also his life as a wooodworking teaching at The Clear Spring School. Doug’s program is called The Wisdom of the Hands. He as a website by the same name
I’ve had the pleasure to work with Doug, and visit his shop, on a few different occassions. Here’s what I know about him. He embodies the word “gentleman.” He is kind, thoughtful, gentle, creative, and has a geniune passion for our craft. I can’t think of anyone who deserves the attention and honor more than him.
(By the way, plane maker Larry Williams is also a Living Treasure. You also can watch the film about him.)
More From Doug Stowe
Resawing and Mitering
Making a Crematory Urn Box
Wooden Box Hinges
A Better Way to Build Boxes
Two Versatile Miter Sleds
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