Lie-Nielsen - No. 4 Smoothing Plane
Lie-Nielsen’s bronze smoothing plane, based on the Bedrock design, is also available with a ductile cast iron body. It features a cherry tote and knob and an 1/8-in. thick blade made from an A2 steel.Lie-Nielsen’s bronze smoothing plane, based on the Bedrock design, was impressive right out of the box. The sole was dead flat, and the blade had been ground accurately and lapped flat at the factory. The chipbreaker required no tuning. After less than five minutes of honing the edge, the plane was in service and cutting perfectly.
Bronze castings dampen vibration and give the plane an unwavering feel, but you also can buy a version made from ductile cast iron for about $50 less. The cherry tote and knob fit the hand just right. The blade is a full 1/8 in. thick, made from A2 steel that has been cryogenically tempered. It held a keen edge well.
Lie-Nielsen has designed a new chipbreaker that makes things even better. Made from 1/8-in.-thick steel, it has a 25° bevel with a 0.015-in. lip on its underside. I was able to move the chipbreaker right up close to the cutting edge, maximizing its utility without increasing any drag on the plane caused by friction. You can buy this plane with a frog milled at 50°. The increased cutting angle can help control torn fibers in highly figured woods. The bronze Lie-Nielsen smoothing plane is the best overall tool of the bench planes reviewed.
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