OK, I come again to the experts for advice.
We built a barreled cased opening about 4′ wide – flat panels with stile and rail surrounds. We used two layers of 1/4″ bending luan as the backing to make the arch, and used spray adhesive (Sta-Put or 3m – I’m not sure which) to adhere the paper backed veneer. Well, now I have about a 2″ diameter bubble popping up in two places – like the adhesive didn’t take. We’ve rolled them down, but they come back up.
My first thought is to inject some sort of adhesive into the bubble, but I don’t know which kind to use. I’d like some sort of instant contact so I don’t have to try to clamp (set a brace) against the area. But nothing I can think of is thin enough to inject that would give me an instant bond. The species is rift white oak, and it is unfinished at this time.
I’m open to all advice. Should I get a scalpel and slice it to get the adhesive in or what?
I’m hoping some of you may have run across this problem before.
Ed. Williams
Howdy ,
One concern and potential problem is the contact cement or adhesive that is under the bubble . Because as we know some new glues may not adhere to old glues. IMO you need to melt the existing adhesive while flattening the bubble out . One way is to slice with the grain and then try squirting or injecting some super glue inside . I know some purists may cringe at the thought but I have had much sucess in the past with similar situations .
good luck dusty
Hey Ed,
I'm not familiar with those specific adhesives but...
Try heating the spots with an iron set on cotton to soften the glue then roll it as it cools.(keep that iron moving!) This will often reactivate the adhesive. If that fails try injecting the solvent to soften it. If that fails slit it, reapply some of the same adhesive sparingly.
When are you guys gonna get a vacuum press?
Hey Lee,
Long time no see...
It was one of those "in the field" kind of things - an existing sheetrock barrel that they wanted to add paneling to.
Someone else advised me to use the "slit and re-glue with the same adhesive" method also. I can cover the bubble with blue tape, use an exacto knife to make the slit and shoot in a quick burst of spray. The tape should protect the oak.
Wish me luck.
Good luck, I hope it turns out well.I'm still around from time to time, Lee
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