Updated Computer Desk Design Consideration

Searching the FWW archive to look for interesting reading, I came across this article:
Designing Computer Furniture – FineWoodworking
This was a very good article when computer hardware was bulkier. More recent articles on desk design are much more streamlined, but have they gotten too streamlined, resembling a table rather than a desk? There can still be addons, I know paperless is still a computing goal. Is there still a place and need for faxes, printers, scanners? What are your favorite computer desk designs?
That is a very individual question, depending upon how someone works with a computer(s) many people use nothing more than a laptop, others use large towers with multiple monitors and keyboards, in my line of work I've seen as many as 6 monitors stacked on a desk using special stands. Myself I would use a large multi-purpose printer which handles 11" x 17" paper so it takes up a lot of real-estate, but most people probably use smaller printers but I suspect most have at least one printer. So if you are designing a computer desk for yourself only you know what you need, if you are designing a desk for someone else you need to ask them. One element that I would definitely eliminate is that monitor shelf I think by now it is pretty well acknowledged that elevated monitors are very bad for your neck and should be as low as possible.
I wholeheartedly agree. It's good to hear from a pro about what desk is useful for woodworking purposes. I can see where a large printer to print off full sized plans would be useful and maybe custom made.
I don't even have a printer in the house and the computer I've been using for the last 7 or 8 years has never had a printer mapped to it. Still, I have a desktop machine with two displays including a Wacom Cintiq and then a laptop on my desk next to the main computer so my desk needs to be fairly good sized.
Hey Royce,
My computer desk took input from my wife, but her ideas were a marvel of design.
The tower lies flat so it's screwed to the underside of the top far enough forward so I don't bang my knees on it. I have a flex-tube to run the wires through so they aren't everywhere.
"You're a woodworker, right?" she goaded me, so I built a monitor shelf at desktop height. The monitors are straight on, in my sight line. Thankfully, they're flat screens, making the design simple. And the keyboard is on a sliding board right under the top.
The printer/scanner combo languishes on the corner farthest from my chair allowing me plenty of room for clutter. The desktop is 2'x30"x 3/4".
Hope this helps some,
Thanks for the answers. It's interesting to see what hardware and peripherals that need to be considered when designing a computer desk these days.
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