Table saw blade “zings” on start up

My 15+ year old SawStop cabinet saw has developed a ‘zinging” noise when it’s first powered up. At first I thought it may be the blade since it started after sharpening but the saw seems to do it with any other blade, just not as noticeable.
I may be imagining it but I think I see a momentary blade flutter when first powered on. I’ve checked the cuts and they are smooth and square so tempted to just live with it but — it’s a weird noise!
Anyone else experience something like this? The blade is a Tenryu Gold Medal 40 tooth
Thanks — John
Have you tried it without the throat plate and blade guard? It could be a new interaction brought on by wear & tear.
I have, seems to be more pronounced with the Tenryu blade but no interferance with anything. Seems to run and cut fine just a "head scratcher"!
Could this be caused by a slipping belt?
I'll check that, thanks -- it seems to be a metallic sound but who knows!
I have an older SawStop Contractor saw, purchased new, and I think it has always made a ‘zing’ noise on startup. I know the blade does not contact the throat plate or guard and the saw runs fine.
Probably should just live with it as it doesn't seem to affect performance.
Maybe run the saw without a blade to isolate the zing..
Can't run a SS w/o a blade
Good point. Appears I didn’t read the manual!
Does the blade height make a difference?
The blade height from the arbor is always the same. The height above the table surface should make no difference. A set of dampeners would add more stability to the blade. I find that my thin curf blades tend to make more noise at start up. I often us dampeners and particularly on thinner blades.
Does it happen when using a dado set?
That's a good question, I've got a project lined up where I'll be making 1/4" dados and will keep an ear out!!