A friend from out in CA. sent me an email that Sam passed away last night. While I have not checked for other sources, I think it is one I can trust.
Sam was sure one of the Greats, that set a fine example for us all to follow.
A friend from out in CA. sent me an email that Sam passed away last night. While I have not checked for other sources, I think it is one I can trust.
Sam was sure one of the Greats, that set a fine example for us all to follow.
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What a shame... what a Great life but what a shame.
Not to belittle the passing of Mr Maloof,
But, did you notice, in other inland news, "Mountain lion mistaken for housecat tranquilized in San Bernardino".
Where, but in CA, could a mtn lion be mistaken for a housecat???? And where else would it be dealt with by tranquilization???
I saw that.. That must have been one big kitty kitty.
>Sam sure one of the Greats, set a fine example for us all to follow
Thanks for letting us know
Whhhooo . . . maaannn oh maaannn . . .
Wish I had got into woodworking sooner and would have taken one of his workshops at the Anderson Ranch near Aspen, CO
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
That's a loss. He was truly an inspiration for many of us and was in a league of his own. The man was a great woodworker and designer and really created his own niche. I don't know about the rest of you but I could see his love for the craft in every piece of his work that I had the pleasure to marvel at. And so it goes....DWW
Hi Keith
Thanks for the notice.
The passing of Saam Maloof was expected since he was 93. Nevertheless we all wished that he would go on forever. It was not just that his work was so amazing, or that it was original and set a standard - all of these things apply - but that he rose to become a Master from self-taught roots, and this was another inspiration for many of us who are also self-taught and aspire to be better woodworkers.
Sam told the story of how, when asked by a customer, how long it would take to get the piece he had order he had ordered, that this was because Sam's waiting list was long and the customer was just impatient. Then when he was approaching his 90's Sam joked that they asked because they wanted the piece "before I died".
He really just seemed to go on and on, building his wonderful rocking chairs, giving workshops, and generally being a great inspiration to us all. I never met him but I feel I knew him - which is likely how many of us think.
Regards from Perth
Sam joked that they asked because they wanted the piece "before I died". ..
I agree with him! I think our internal clocks slow down in time as we get older. How much time is left? We will never know but I am sure we get a 'message' beforehand.
I think sort of that woodworker that just knows that kickback at hand and runs the board threw anyway!
Is his wife still alive? I am sure if still alive she is very sad.. If she passed on before him I'd bet waiting with a list of 'chores' to do! And the same list..God bless them both!
Edited 5/23/2009 8:48 am by WillGeorge
Will,I believe his wife died some years ago, then he remarried.He was a great man. I wish I had gotten to meet him. I have talked to people who did know him who always described him as a gentleman.He was one of a kind and his signature rocking chair will take its place forever, along with other ageless icons of our art and craft.Rich
He reminded me of my father, quite but purposeful. He showed humility and grace through out his life, He will be remembered for many decades in the minds of woodworkers and will inspire many for years to come.
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I am a Father. I just hope my children remember me as a goof off and a good father..
Well, that's a real downer. At the end of last month, I was down in that area and had planned to visit him and the wheels were in motion. However, the day I planned to go, I called ahead to confirm and was told that he was not feeling well and couldn't meet with me. Afterwards, I heard that he was recovering slowly. I now feel especially awful not having been able to see him.
Chris @ www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
and now www.flairwoodworks.com)
- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Sam was sure one of the Greats..
I always thought of him (nevet met him except in books and on TV) as this Old Grumpy old man that was truely a SweetHeart!
Sam had a twinkle in his eyes, I will never forget .
He was more than just a master of his craft, When I think of Sam Maloof the words Humanitarian, Genuine, Humble and Awesome are just a few that come to mind. He is with his beloved Frieda now, Rest in peace Sam and thanks.
Once again, Thanks Sam.
For those that might want to relive some of Sam, here is a link to a video series "A woodworking experience" , where I first learned of the man and how he made his chairs! Truely fascinating individual! It will take some time to watch it all, but it's worth it! RIP Sam.
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
I was fortunate enough to attend two week-end seminars with Mr. Maloof at Highland Hardware. I knew I would probably not learn anything new at the second seminar but... it was worth the money to sit in a rocking chair and talk about his experiences. Frankly... if given another opportunity before his passing which can be expected at 93.. I would have paid to do it again.
He was a gentle.. kind.. humble man long before we promoted him to a Woodworking Icon. If you took away his ability to WW.. he would still be a gentle.. kind.. humble man and to me I find merit in just that without any ability to work wood.
Edited 5/23/2009 10:23 am ET by SARGEgrinder47
Edited 5/23/2009 10:25 am ET by SARGEgrinder47
Here is the link to the Los Angeles Times. its front page here.
Allen Bohnhoff who was killed Monday along with Jaime Sanchez sold wood to Sam Maloof over the years. They surly will be doing business in Heaven.
Sad news all around Socal this week.
A huge loss...RIP Sam....
Hi Keith,
I'm not around for a couple days and this. Truly sad even though I never had the pleasure of his company I'll miss him.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
All ,
Mr. Maloof was inspirational to so many of us and while his passing seems a loss to the wood working community and the world , the gifts he left and gave us were in my opinion far greater then any loss incurred .
Sam , God Bless and Thank You
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