Finally got around to ordering my riser block.
Here’s my latest stupid question: a Ridgid, out of the box, takes a 93-1/2″ blade.
Now, if one adds a 6″ riser block, shouldn’t the new blade length be 105-1/2″?
The “kit” says it comes with a 105″ blade, and I noticed a thread here a few days ago about people having trouble installing the new blade unless it was way, way loose.
Could it be that 1/2″?
What’s the deal?
Jammer, I have that saw with the riser block and 105" blades that I buy from Highland and mostly from Suffolk Machinery fit perfectly. Paddy
Blades, even from good manufacturers are occasionally a bit more or less than their stated length, and this goes doubly so for a cheap throw away blade tossed in with a riser kit. So the problems with the blades from Ridgid may be that they're considerably shorter than 105".
Typically the blades supplied with riser kits are very low quality and useless for resawing which is probably why you are installing the riser kit, so just toss the kit blade and install a good resaw blade before you even start.
Also, a difference in the blade length of 1/2" only needs a 1/4" of adjuster movement to compensate, so a saw, which has an inch or two of adjustment range, should have no problem accommodating a slightly long or short blade.
John White
Shop Manager for FWW Magazine, 1998-2007
Now, that I didn't think about.I did order two 3/4" re-saw blades from Sunbelt, so on we go.
On the topic of risers... I'm thinking of getting a riser for my Delta, but I have a full set of shorter blades for it already.If I just get one wide blade in the longer length for resawing, can I simply remove the riser and use my shorter blades for normal work, or is it a pain to re-align each time the riser is removed or reinstalled? Obviously any time I replace a blade, I'll get a longer one.
Not practical, installing a riser block takes a couple of hours even if you're experienced at doing the work.John White
Shop Manager for FWW Magazine, 1998-2007
I installed a riser block on my 14" Delta a couple of years ago, the old 93 1/2" blades are still laying on a shelf but I might as well of tossed them as it is to much work to remove the riser block just to use the old blades. For 90% of all my bandsaw use I run a 1/2" blade with 3tpi so I don't change blades that often anyway.
You will find that 1/2" wide blades are easier to install and track properly, and will work just as well as 3/4" blades.John White
Shop Manager for FWW Magazine, 1998-2007
So two of you recommend just a 1/2" blade as fine for resawing? That's very handy to know!
K, three of us do, particularly the Ridgid that only comes with a 3/4 hp, motor. I do well with a quality 1/2" from Suffolk on my Ridgid, it's a little slow but good, I may up the hp. Most 14" don't have enough structure, wheel, tire or power to like a 3/4" blade. Paddy
Edited 7/2/2009 12:57 pm ET by PADDYDAHAT
Edited 7/3/2009 12:16 pm ET by PADDYDAHAT
I have the ridgid 14" band saw with riser block & get my blades from LeeValley
If you do not like any of their products you can get your money back no hassle for up to 90 days including ground shipping (postal)
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