Having MUCH difficulty with an acrylic poly topcoat over a dark water based paint on furniture. I get white streaks after sanding (320grit) the second coat of poly. Any thoughts??? I’ve tried time and again, using care not to add bubbles, but it still won’t finish properly…..
Also, any thoughts on using oil based poly over water based paint??
Acrylic poly is white. If you scratch it it will show white. Are you brushing or spraying? I spray water poly over latex paint. Most of the time I really don't need to sand but if I do, I will use finer paper followed with 0000 steel wool. I often use paste wax as a final step. Critical surfaces get buffed out with Finesse II at low speed. The acrylic poly is quite hard and does not benefit from a thick build up. I try to spray just to the flow point. You have to be careful with the overspray to keep adjacent or nearby pieces from getting seedy.
You can put an oil over the paint but it will give an amber cast and yellow some over time. Either you are putting on too much product or you haven't buffed out fine enough. It's a little hard to tell with the info you provided.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
I've tried applying the poly with a foam applicator and a good synthetic brush, but with the same results each way. How involved is the spraying process? I haven't tried it myself, so would it be worth my time to give it a shot?
I did try 0000 steel wool on one of the drawer fronts that looked OK, but as soon as I did, the finish streaked again. Early on, I thought I was applying too thick, so I started applying in very thin coats. It must be something with my technique, but I sure can't figure it out!!
I used some oil basedpoly over some white water-based milk paint not long ago. I used a wiping formula and applied it sparingly with a paper towel, scuffing very lightly with 0000 steel wool after the first coat. Two coats on all surfaces. I think it turned out wonderfully and the customer loved it which is what mattered most.
Why are you doing this?
I have a dresser and an armoire that will likely take a lot of abuse/wear, so I thought adding a topcoat would look better and hold up longer.
I don't think yo need it at all. The paint will hold up as well or better than any topcoat that may be more brittle than your paint.Gretchen
Gretchen, unfortunately, I have used a flat finish on the paint with the expectation that a satin topcoat would be added. With as much difficulty as I have had with the acrylic poly, I may be better off just adding another coat or two of satin or semi-gloss paint....
Thanks for your input!
what is your water based paint base? Latex? Acrylic? Poly?
Sorry I didn't add that. The paint I'm using is an acrylic latex from Pratt & Lambert.
you'll need to make sure the latex base is fully cured before applying a topcoat. I don't use latex based paint except on walls, so I've heard that 1-2 weeks of curing is adequate drying time for latex based paints.
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