Ideas on how to frame acrylic sheet (for transparent room barrier)

I’m trying to create fixed, sturdy, and transparent cubicles (4′ Wide, 8′ Long and 8′ tall) by making 4’X8′ acrylic sheet panels, kinda sneeze guards, just bigger (8′ tall) and sturdy. Are there any readymade framing materials I can use? The dividers need to be fairly sturdy, as these are intended to keep kids/toddlers separate from each other. Attached images are kinda what I have in mind
Replies Modular guarding made of extruded aluminum. Great people to work with and will help with design.
Dremel makes a diamond glass-drilling bit. Works on any plastics, too. Used it myself to build plexiglas casement windows. Drill the holes you need and screw it all together, if you're using wood.
That's all I have.
Good luck,
It has some pros and cons like contain PERSPEX AS 017. Polymethy which is less safety for new house but you can use as Shatter-resistant, earthquake safe.
I second MJ's recommendation. The Faztek stuff is made for the purpose. You can also get a similar product (maybe even the same?) from McMaster Carr supply, where it is called T-slotted framing. They also stock a ton of fittings for joining components, putting in doors, shelves, and so forth. Erector set for grown-ups!
Aluminum all the way.
I made a large sneeze guard with 3mm acrylic and aluminum sections from the home store. Rivets for fixing, though probably too sharp with children.
If you cannot source purpose made sections (it will be worth the cash) then aluminium flat bar stock will take a tap well so you could use an appropriate size machine screw. (say M4) which would be far safer than riveting. Carbide woodwork tools handle aluminium very easily. I use my dropsaw and bandsaw (with bi-metal blade)
Duct tape will also keep children separate, if applied in sufficient quantities.
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