PM 66 vs. Delta vs. General Cabinet Saw

I am in the market for a cabinet saw and have narrowed my selection to the PM66, Delta Unisaw or General. A local dealer that handles all recommends the General as a cut above the PM. Looking for advice from users. Comments?
Hello, dooley
I have a 66 that is about 5 years old. I had to tweak it a bit to get the cast iron wings as flat as I like them, but other than that, it has performed very well. I replaced a Unisaw with my 66, and there is, in my opinion, no comparison between the two. The 66 is much better in almost every aspect, in my opinion.
I've heard that the General is very good also, but I've never had one. Flip a coin between the two.
Thanks, Jeff. I appreciate the testimonial. I am inclined to buy the PM66 and value others' opinions. I looked at the PM2000 and was not impressed with the interated casters; all else looked pretty good.dooley
I have Unisaw w/ a 50" Unifence purchased at a CT wood show 2 years ago at a "show special price" that included table-board & mobile base. I've been happy with it as a home-owner. If the General had been available at up to $100 more - I probably would have purchased that. The machining looks so much nicer.
That being said - have you looked at the Mini-max or Felder units with sliding table? Much higher cost, but much higher precision / production capability too.
Thanks Dave. I appreciate your feedback. I will look a bit more closely at the General. I understand the Mini-Max is great...probably more than I need.
I have a General and think it is great. Mine is about 6 years old. A fulltime woodworking friend of mine who had used several recommended the General.
Alan - planesaw
I would be interested in what led you to buy the General...
I live in central Pennsylvania. About 30 minutes from Wilke Machinery (Bridgewood) and 2 hours from Grizzly. Lots of highly skilled woodworkers in the region. Lots of Powermatics, Jets, Deltas, etc., etc.
A fulltime woodworking friend has a variety of equipment and told me he preferred General to the others. Prior to Wilke coming out with their excellent saw, they had General, Delta, PM, Unisaw, etc. all in their showroom with the top off. With Glenn's recommendation, and after seeing what was under the hood (trunions, etc.) I simply decided on the General. Haven't been sorry for one minute. Although I am not full time, I have cut a lot of wood, including some fairly thick pieces. Never has the saw slowed down a bit.
Alan - planesaw
Edited 3/19/2006 4:06 pm ET by Planesaw
I own a PM66, bought new five years ago. I also have the benefit of a friend's Unisaw in my shop. I have the saws set up back to back and can tell you that there is no comparison. The PM is the better machine. Period. That being said, if I were buying a saw today, I would seriously consider the "Sawstop". Having had one kick back on the PM, (my fault) a system such as the "Sawstop" would seem very valuable, considering what fingers cost. I have no experience with the General, but have heard nothing but raves about them.
Good Luck!
I have owned a General 350 10" cabinet saw for 20 years and have never had any trouble with it. I have also had a Powermatic 66 apart because it was not aligned properly. The trunnions on the General are much heavier and everything seems to work much better.
A Delta would be my last choice among Powermatic, General, and Delta
Edited 3/19/2006 5:49 pm by gb93433
The General saws are very good....lots in the archives here about them. I have 3 10" saws and one 14" saw between the school shop and my shop......all excellent. One of the 10" saws is a 650 left tilt, which is nice to have.Cabinetmaker/college woodworking instructor. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
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