Has anyone built the hanging wall cabinet pictured in the Mario Rodriguez video. I have searched many outlets but cannot find the size he used.
Thanks for any help
Has anyone built the hanging wall cabinet pictured in the Mario Rodriguez video. I have searched many outlets but cannot find the size he used.
Thanks for any help
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I have not built the cabinet, but it looks like a basic 1-1/2" brass butt hinge.
Some quality ones are available here
A google search should provide sources for less costly (and possibly lower quality) ones. I'd suspect Rockler and Lee Valley would both carry a decent product, too.
The specific hinge is 3/8 x 1 1/2 and the sources mentioned do not carry this hinge. I may have to try and contact Mr Rodriguez thru FW.
Thanks for your help.
Plain brass butt hinges in 3/8 x 1 1/2 size are pretty common. Finding a listing on the Web may be a challenge, however, as many suppliers don't know how to properly describe their products.
Thanks, Ralph. I'll need to refine my search on various sites.
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