I have a coffee table that is varnished and it now has a alcohol/water ring from a glass. Does anyone have a recommendation on how to remove the ring?
I have a coffee table that is varnished and it now has a alcohol/water ring from a glass. Does anyone have a recommendation on how to remove the ring?
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Try rubbing it with mayonnaise (full fat!) first. Then there is a product called Howard's Restor-a-Finish that will remove it. It is sold in antique malls/shops and maybe now at Home Depot. It is a great product and not expensive. You might find some other surfaces around the house that could benefit from a sprucing up.
*Stan,What type of varnish was used, oil or poly? Do you know for a fact that the finish is actually varnish? How long has the ring been there and is it an alcohol ring or water ring? In other words there is more information needed to approach this accurately. The June issue (No. 149, pg. 60)of "Fine WoodWorking" has an article by Jeff Jewitt specific to properly fixing just such damage. If you can't find a copy of it, please provide more information so that the appropriate solution can be given.Dano
*I think the mayo worked. Sometimes things can be real simple particularly if the damage is recent. I also think for the day to day person with a white ring will not know what the finish is let alone whether it is poly varnish or non-poly (although the latter is certainly a dying product for wide use!). Glad to have the reference for the Jewitt article for future reference.
*Gretchen,Yes, I know for a fact that it did. I received an e-mail from Stan stating so. My "reply" congratulating him on his success and suggestion that he thank you publicly was bounced back. Good call.Dano
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