I love California, I’m proud the state is comparing climate change. However, how am I to mix up a batch of shellac without denatured alcohol? Thanks
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When I lived in California I went to Oregon to buy real alcohol
Not to worry. Use everclear (180 proof alcohol), in other words, pure booze. Lots of us out there use it instead. Works just as well and doesn’t have that bad smell that denatured alcohol has. You can buy it at your local booze outlet. Good luck.
Sorry RevBob, you can't get Everclear here.
I ordered some DNA off Amazon and it was delivered (late last year). I was in Rockler today, and saw Behlen brand Shellac Reducer in the finish aisle.
I figure when I get close to empty on the DNA I have, I'll order some medical grade ethyl alcohol.
If you can get it, you can also dissolve shellac in isopropyl alcohol. It takes a bit longer, but rubbing alcohol works. I have no idea if you can buy that in California or not.
The responses to this question are generally the same. That doesn't make them wrong, it just doesn't solve the problem for most Californios. Fortunately it is a long, narrow state. Getting out of it to buy such things doesn't take a major undertaking. I'm about 60 miles from the coast yet less than a 3 hour drive from a neighboring state. I'm less than that from a neighboring country ;-)
So just for clarification, no denatured alcohol is available for sale in California? I didn't know it would fall into the CARB laws or am I missing something? Im in Washington but California junk always seems to move north.
It changed in 2020. I know because in early Jan I was at an Ace Hardware looking for denatured ethanol for shellac. They had a 1 gallon container that had a bit of surface rust on it. I took it to the paint section to pay for it and mentioned that with all of the other shiny containers that I know this one was here the last time I visited several months ago. If possible would they be willing to sell it at a discount. I think the face value was $20. I ended up getting it from them for $6. I have quite happy.
Not sure where in cali you are, but im pretty sure Ventura county sells it, where as LA county does not.
Amazon - https://smile.amazon.com/Denatured-Alcohol-200-1-Gallon-128/dp/B07XSD6F1Z
I just found 99% Isopropyl Alcohol at my local Do It Best Home Center, here in Beaumont. It was cheaper than the gallon of 200 proof above by a few bucks.
It worked great with some shellac I used as a sealer today!
@FiveBirdsCustom - Thanks! There is a Do-It-All near a trip I take now and again. I'll order ahead and pick it up on the way by.
Sorry to blow everyone’s bubble, but I just bought a new gallon of denatured alcohol at Home Depot last month. Am I missing something or what?
Did you do so in California?
I'm in SoCal, near LA, and it is not available in any store I've found yet. I've tried Lowes and Home Depot for 50 miles+ in each direction.
My next stop was going to be a paint store.... With fingers crossed.
I live in Mi and can get standard DNA but refuse to use it. I use Mohawk's Shellac Reducer. No methanol. The SDS says it has no CA restrictions. Their site has a very good Zip-base dealer locator. https://www.mohawk-finishing.com/products/wood-staining-finishing/reducers-additives/shellac-reducer/
Thanks JDStreet!
I saw some of this at the nearest Rockler. But, they only had the smaller container. I didn't look at the price.
The nearest dealer is a decent 20 minute drive, and is a paint store. That's easily do-able. I guess I was almost on the right track! LOL. I'll have to email or call and see if they actually have it in stock.
Love Mohawk products.
Last month I bought two brands of DNA from a hardwood lumberyard in central San Diego. They had Mohawk and also alcohol packaged by A. G. Layne in Los Angeles.
I'm in CA but checked an ace hardware in Monterey county and they had Isopropyl alcohol ( IPA ) for use in cleaning up shellac. However IPA has more water in it than DNA and for thinning shellac Everclear would be a better option.
What percentage was the Iso?
I've got 70% under the sink in the bathroom. Got 80% in the shop for cleaning stuff up (and have used it on shellac before in a pinch). But, the stuff I bought yesterday was 99%.
A quick Google search showed me that DNA is 190 proof, or 85% alcohol.
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