I am in the process of finishing the 2nd of a matched set of bow-front walnut end tables for my den. We are now in the process of selecting the drawer pulls. Anyone out there have an opinion of what would look good on these pieces? The plans called for Hepplewhite, but neither my wife or me cared for them. I’ve searched the web far and wide for hardware sites, but have found only a few pulls that I like. Iam thinking of buying the #20s-40s3 (the 3rd one down) at the following link:
Any suggestions? Also – feel free to comment on my creation… I’ll start putting on the skin thickening cream…
Terry in Delray Beach, FL
Edited 8/12/2002 11:37:22 AM ET by TJINFL
Ball and Ball- do a web search. Pricey, but excellent- big selection.
It's a tough decision ! The piece is lovely, nice work. Yes, the design is basically hepplewhite...however, the legs could be chippendale...and your attracted to the queen ann hardware. As you know it is not uncommon to mix periods. However, will you be appologizing to everyone for picking what you liked in the future and the fact that you didn't go with the right hardware for the piece? Like yourself, I like Chippendale and Queen Ann better. If those are brass feet...i would feel better with the hepplewhite...but that is my guilt ridden up-bringing showing....lol.
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