Seeking Advice on Quality Hardware for Custom Tip-Out Shoe Cabinet

I’m reaching out for some expertise on a project I’m currently undertaking: building a custom tip-out shoe cabinet. I’ve attached a picture for reference.
To test the concept, I ordered a pair of “shoe cabinet hinges.” Unfortunately, they proved to be quite flimsy, lack adjustment options post-installation, and require a significant gap at the bottom (half the board size) to allow for door rotation.
After scouring reputable cabinet hardware vendors, I’ve come up empty-handed in finding a suitable replacement. So, I’m turning to the experienced woodworkers and cabinet makers in this community for advice on alternative options.
One idea I’ve been considering is utilizing bottom hinges and incorporating a “bottom-stay” mechanism with soft close functionality to facilitate smooth operation.
During my search, I stumbled upon hardware designed for small tip-out trays typically found under sinks, such as those offered by Richelieu. However, I’m concerned these might be too small for my cabinet’s needs. Additionally, I came across a flap stay kit designed for slanted laundry baskets, offered by Hafele, which seems promising but might need modification.
I’m hoping to find hardware that not only meets my specifications but also offers durability and adjustability for long-term use.
Any suggestions or insights from your experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Wow. I just fling my shoes on the floor of my closet.
Pretty bulletproof, you'll just have to trial & error the rest of it.