I painted my shop basement galvanized window well with oil based paint. It has all peeled off.
I can scrape it off but how do you paint this product and make it stick?
I painted my shop basement galvanized window well with oil based paint. It has all peeled off.
I can scrape it off but how do you paint this product and make it stick?
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Been there and failed just like you... LOL
Try this link..
There are many others if you google painting galvanized steel or whatever the metal is. I had fair luck using a automotive primer in a spray can. BUT.. I have forgotten what I cleaned the metal with before putting on the primer. Probably some automotive primer pre-treatment. Sorry I forgot what I used.
A heating/ac installer told me years ago to wipe galvanized metal with vinegar before painting. Supposedly has a chemical affect that lets paint adhere. Been a long time but I think it worked.
Wash the galvanised metal with TSP,rinse, then use a latex galvanised metal primer such as Suprime 3 by Pratt and Lambert.Use it all the time and it has lasted without topcoat for ten years on downspouts.However it is intended to be topcoated
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