Current source of Fasttrak Fence?

I have a 4′ section of a Fastrak fence along with a stop that I use on my miter saw. It works really well but I’m rebuilding my miter stand and I want to include some extensions on both sides of the saw.
Originally, I purchased it from Mark Duginski’s company. I’ve Googled around but I don’t see offered anymore. Did he sell the fence design to another company? (The Kreg miter fence looks really similar.)
Is any one else still selling the accessories for this fence?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
I was looking for exactly the same thing recently, and couldn't find it anywhere. Since I was building a new jig from scratch, I decided to go with the Kreg Top Trak instead. It's not a drop-in replacement, unfortunately, but it's close.
Hi, Thanks for your response. Actually, I'm happy with the length on the left side of the saw so I might just replace the right side with another product. If I find it, I'll write you a note. cmt1669
Mark Duginski retired and sold his designs to Kreg a few years ago.
John W.
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