Anyone own the Clayton Spindle Sander?

I am contemplating purchasing a spindle sander, and would like to go with the Clayton. It seems to be well built, well reviewed, made in USA with a Baldor motor. I own several newer Powermatic machines and have nothing but positive comments about them, also a JET dust collector which works well…so I would consider the JET, but the Clayton, just seems to be the one calling. My problem is that when I called a supplier that I trust to get a price, they said they don’t stock it, but will order it. They don’t stock it because they have had a few problems with runnout, motors etc. Granted, they said they were fixed promptly, but I don’t like hearing about multiple problem for a machine in this price range. I would consider the JET, but the table seems a bit small. I could probably find a used stationary JET (big table) for about what a new Clayton would cost. Any comments? Thanks in advance.
Joe U.
Went through the same thing and was seriously looking at the Clayton but ended up with the Grizzly G1071. I was looking at pattermakers grade stuff like State, etc but the Grizzly was really the best choice for the money. One of our guys put a burr on the spindle socket and I had to replace it. Grizzly service sent the new one under warranty in a day and after taking the machine apart I was pretty impressed on the quality of the parts on the inside. I don't think the Clayton can match the quality. Used to work for a dealer that sold them.
Really? That is great feedback, thanks. You would think with the Baldor motor and all steel construction, the only issue with the Clayton would be the price. This would dovetail with the thread from a month or so ago as an example of the fact that Made in USA doesn't automatically mean better quality. I'm kind of disappointed that the Clayton is not the easy choice.
All steel construction is sheet metal. The Grizzly is cast. The gear inside the Clayton is nylon I recall. If we were going to buy a tilting spindle sander than I would consider the $2,000 clayton if I couldn't find a Master. master is no longer made but they were the top of the line pattern makers spindle sander and were $8,000 years ago. Overal the Grizzly is a great sander for the money. Made in America doesn't necessarily mean better quality but it does mean it will cost more. Even the old States, Oliver, etc spindle sanders I was looking at were higher priced and I would have to find missing pieces, rubber drums, etc. We bought it for a certain job and it's paid for itself.
Rick already mentioned it, but you may also want to consider looking at a used commercial model, like State or Max. I used to use a spindle sander in my work all the time, and had a State. Having the larger work surface, a standing floor model, and the tilting cast iron tabletop were all highly beneficial. I sold my State last year, including 10 spindles, for a little over $800 bucks on ebay. I see them their frequently. I think that's about what you'll spend on a Clayton, and you'll be getting a much better tool. Food for thought.
I looked into the Clayton and was disappointed. It was like $600 and it fit on a table top. If I recall correctly, it didn't even have a tilting table top. You're paying for the name IMO. I went to bellingham, WA and bought the Grizzly. I don't regret it at all. Great machine and the table tilts. Comes with like 8 or 10 different diameter sanding sleeves, which are mounted on the side of the machine. The gearing is in an oil bath. Shop Fox is also owned and distributed by Grizzly (my cousin used to work for the company doing their new owners manuals), but it's their retail line (as opposed to Grizzly being mail order/on line). There are slight differences, like the Shop Fox sander has a table that is 2" bigger in length and width. I have a friend that wanted the extra 2", so he got the Shop Fox version and really likes it. Can't go wrong with either. The only downside is that they'll take up floorspace as opposed to countertop space.
Yes I own one I have the stand model I've owned it for about 15 years it's a great machine.
I have the Clayton floor model. Never had a problem.
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