360° mount for carvings
A round block, two bench dogs, and a bench-dog screw clamp make an adaptable mount for carving.I mount carvings on a round block, using hot glue. The block is then held with a combination of two normal bench dogs and an inexpensive device called an “adjustable bench-dog screw clamp” (under $14 on Amazon), which fits into another 3⁄4-in. bench-dog hole, and adjusts rapidly with a wrench or a flex nut driver. This three-point mounting system lets me rotate the carving quickly and easily so I can come at it from any direction. And the hot-melt glue makes it easy to pry off afterward (you can soften the glue with denatured alcohol if needed).
—VINCE FYIE, Port Sanilac, Mich.
Illustrations by Dan Thornton
From Fine Woodworking issue #309
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