FWW Poll: Where You Buy Wood
The local hardwood dealer is the overwhelming favoriteWhen it comes to buying wood, most woodworkers head straight for the local hardwood dealer, according to the latest poll on Knots, the user forum on Fine
Nearly 3 out of 4 people who responded said that they usually buy from a local hardwood dealer. Most of them buy rough lumber rather than presurfaced stock. The table below gives the details.
A total of 1,089 people responded to the poll, which closed on August 1, 2008.
According to some of the responses, not everyone pays retail. Here’s a selection:
“Scrounged! You left out scrounged!”
“I keep an eye out in those Free trading postmagazines. Occasionally you can find good buys from people who need to/want to get rid of some wood. I also have a buddy who buys shorts from the local lumberyard. He only picks out clear straight boards with pretty figure. I usually try to get some of his stuff for presentation boards/special projects. It is pricier but well worth it and very little waste.”
“I have my own portable saw mill. I have the word out that I buy speciality logs or trees like walnut, cherry, tigermaple, butternut, white oak, burls. Keep the pick of the sawn boards, sell the rest. ”
“I have been real lucky buying lumber at auction.”
“‘Buy wood’? I don’t understand the concept. The woods are full of it. Green woodworking is the way to go.”
The poll is a thoroughly unscientific (but, we hope, totally entertaining) feature of FineWoodworking.Com. There’s a new poll posted on the home page.
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