If you cut a lot of thick stock, or if you resaw stock in the 9-in.-wide to 12-in.-wide range, an 18-in. bandsaw is worth considering. Not only does it offer extra capacity, but most 18-in. saws also have more horsepower to cut faster. I looked at 11 models ranging in price from $900 to almost $3,000, evaluating cutting ability, machine sturdiness, and blade-changing ease. The Jet showed acceptable results in the resaw test, did well in the curve-cutting test, and ranked eleventh in the frame-deflection test. It had the lowest resaw capacity. This model has a good fence but the fussy-to-adjust guides made blade changing a chore.
Fine Woodworking Recommended Products
Freud Super Dado Saw Blade Set 8" x 5/8" Bore
Leaves a dado with a flat bottom and even performs excellent on plywood and melamine.
At high speed, the planer works fast and leaves a smooth surface. But the slower, finish speed produces an almost glass-smooth surface. Knife changes are easy.
This is the saw I want in my shop. For one, it’s easy to use. All of the controls are easy to reach and manipulate, and the glide mechanism is both robust and smooth. The handle works well for righties and lefties. Then there are added bonuses that no other saw has. For instance, its hold-down is superb, as it can move to different locations, hinges for a greater range of coverage, and actually holds down the work. In addition, the saw has two points of dust collection, letting it firmly beat the rest of the field. The one downside was the saw’s laser, which was so faint we had to turn off the shop lights to see it. Still, all these pluses in a package that fits tight to the wall? That’s a winner for me.
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