I’m curious, how many of you register a fake email address with Taunton for this forum???? In the last 2 months, I’ve had an inordinant percentage of emails returned to me as “undeliverable” when sent through Knots. Not sure if this is a glitch with the forum, or if members are worried about spam and registering fake emails.
forestgirl — you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can’t take the forest out of the girl 😉
Hi forestgirl,
My e-mail is legit and I will write back if you should e-mail me. I may not know the answer to your questions but I am not afraid of anything.
Mine is legit as well but I am actually afraid of somethings and know everything that everyone else doesn't know. ;-)
Mine is legit.
Didn't know you could have a fake. Not here any ways.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
mine's kosher too........
Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
Mines the real deal!
mines legit
Mine is okay...but my internet provider has changed twice....right now its comcast, was ATT up until 2 months ago. Anyhow, they will forward all Att e-mail for a year...but if after that if your addy is not changed in your profile the e-mails will bouce back to the sender.. Maybe that is what is happening
Mine's on the level too. Anyone who wants to send something to me, can.
But I'd bet that anyone whose address is legit, would not have a problem telling you that. And conversely, anyone whose address is bogus, will simply not reply here.
If you like run a test with my email.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Forest girl I.m not illegitimate either, though, one of the forum friends alluded to that (In not too many words) Stein. AKA ED.
Incidently, I've received e mail from other Forum Fellows, so, Prospero works in THAT regard. BUT, some times ,when I want to open an attachment from you guys,my 'puter' stops in it's track and I have to shut down and restart again. ED.
Edited 9/3/2003 10:04:59 PM ET by steinmetz
Ed, I remember an incident with you and an unruly attachment. We should gang up and try to solve that problem for ya. What operating system are you using and what internet browser program?forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I posted a message to the recent "bounced" person, and asked him to check in here. I may run a test mailing tomorrow. I'm really wondering if there's something wrong in a database somewhere.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Fake, of course, FG. I'd have to be a bit nutso to supply a real email address to a forum with all those bloody harvesters out there. I can't even send an email to myself, ha, ha, but I could do a bit of clicking and find a working email address. Slainte. Website
The first year and a half or so that I was in Knots, I used an email address that wasn't linked to any other computer activity. I never, ever got a spam mail. It would seem they have the addresses well-protected. I would not, however, post my email directly in a Knots message -- that's where the harvester's glean their prizes.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Also legit but I don't like telling people it is. I get to many e-mail viruses and I always tell people that they are more than welcome to e-mail me but don't forward jokes and pictures to me.
ScottScott C. Frankland
"This all could have been prevented if their parents had just used birth control"
Edited 9/5/2003 9:05:57 AM ET by Scott Frankland
Yeah, the joke thing can be a pain. I don't mind pictures or other (small) attachments because Norton scans everything. What I realllllly don't like though is when someone does a mass mailing to 20 or 30 of his/her friends, including my address in the To column. That is the worst with regard to viruses getting spread, and often it's someone I barely "know" in a cyber-sort-of-sense.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I told everyone to not send me group e-mail's unless it is between a few friends and has something to do about something. Everything else is a road side check with a fine each and every time they send me one. I know it is an abuse of power but I got to get my quota.Scott C. Frankland
"This all could have been prevented if their parents had just used birth control"
Mine's real, but I share it with my wife. So if anyone emails me, please use a good subject line or it may get lost or deleted on purpose thinking its spam or virus. My wife is a Girl Scout leader and gets at least 10 to 15 emails a day.
My son started his own screen name, I haven't been smart or determined enough to do it, yet.
I've only gotten about 6 emails from Knot's members, and only been flamed by Sarge. :o)
Enjoy, Roy
Yeah, that Sarge guy, he's a menace ain't he!?forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
You guys keep ganging up on me, I'll have to call in Doc to the rescue. We keep the chain saws running just for special occasions. When you hear two-cycle noise screaming in the back-ground at your wedding, at least you'll know who's behind you in the gallery. Just look for the two guys with the bib over-alls, Stilh's and the big grins on their faces. And we don't wear our base-ball caps *ss-backwards, either. ha..ha..
Have a great week-end...
SARGE : Lets not wear the Bib overalls just our BaseBall Caps & a Big Yellow Bow on you know what!! WOW won't that put a Big Smile on alot of Jamies friends faces..:) :) LMAO.....
ToolDocProud Member of the Delta Club & Knots Bad Boys & Girls Club.
Probably not a good idea. Unless those folks are from Texas they are not used to those proportions. Too many would faint, don't you think? Might cause a roar with the bride and groom trying to get out of the parking lot an off to honey-moon with all those EM vehicles clogging the parking lot up. < G >
SARGE: What do we care first off we are from out of town & Won't know them & they won't know us,only problem is after they see us there going to want to get to know us!! <G> this maybe a major problem for Jamie all those frustrated women friends of hers running around trying to catch us..
ToolDocProud Member of the Delta & Klein Tradesman Clubs & Knots Bad Boys & Girls Club..
Oh my, there's a thought!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Dear first Lady of the Forest: hmm Jamie glad your not too upset with Sarge & Myself over our plans,good thing your not the Prudish type.. think you have nothing to worry about we will sit there with our hands folded & not say a word.. NOT.. you damn well that if we were there .. we would be into some sort of mischief.. think were going to steal the bride. or is it the Groom hmm heck lets steal the whole weddin party..
ToolDocProud Member of the Delta & Klein Tradesman Clubs & Knots Bad Boys & Girls Club..
Hey buddy, just see if you get my vote next election. ha..ha..
Who got bounced?
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Mine's real.
Some people register and then change their email address then forget to update.
On a side note. With so many virus out there, my company has eliminated the ability of my web mail to compose or respond to emails. I can still send through the company system. I just didn't know they could do that.
Jamie: You know my E~Mail is Legit.. its just me thats not who you think I am..LOL...
Mine is real, but in the 16 months I've been here, I've gotten like four messages from forum members and several thousand spams, so I don't check it anymore.
Dunc, I have serious doubts that the spams are from your Knots affiliation. Like I said, I had a separate email for Knots for quite a long time, and never got spam from it. forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
You may be right, I did give that address out to family members in Dec. 2001 when I was switching ISP's. But regardless of how or why the address fell into the hands of the spammers, the point I was trying to make is that even though the address really does exist, sending me e-mail through the forum won't work, because it's too much trouble to dig through all the spam.
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