Yorkcraft Spinning Backwards @ 120V
Just bought an almost new Yorkcraft from a neighbor. He had it running at 240v. I wanted to run it at 120V so I rewired it per the printed directions & the label inside the motor. The cutter blades are spinning backwards now. I have double checked my wiring and it is correct according to the motor label.
Before I rewire this for 240 is there something obvious that I am missing? I would prefer 110.
Fortunately I tracked down an expert
For 120V, the diagram on the motor says combine 1-3-5 and 2-4-8. This spins the motor in the wrong direction for the jointer. To reverse it you reverse 5 and 8 (1-3-8 & 2-4-5). Reversing may work the same way for 220V but I didn't try it.
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