Can anyone tell me if they have tried to sharpen a 2″ plane blade with the Work sharp machine. If so how were the results?
Can anyone tell me if they have tried to sharpen a 2″ plane blade with the Work sharp machine. If so how were the results?
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I do it all the time. The wider the blade, the more important it is to hollow grind it first on a bench grinder. If you don't do this it will take too long to grind the whole bevel on the Work Sharp and quickly wear down the abrasive.
I'm satisfied with the results. Unfortunately, I am a lazy sharpener and I don't even bother flipping the plate to do the final step with the finest grit. If I did that I would probably be even more satisfied. I am sure there are people that do a better job of sharpening and maybe some day I will too but for now this is fine.
My only criticism would be that there is only a limitted amount of adjustment in the tilt of the blade. With a wide blade there are times that the bevel is just a little off being uniform across the blade.
Works great for me. I bought a couple of extra plates and set some up with a bit coarser grit to get a fast grind. The WS may not be the fanciest or best sharpener, but its convenience and simplicity means that I actually USE it all the time and my tools are much much sharper than they used to be.
i really like it too, i was just midly concerned about its performance on the wider blades, I do not hollow grind my plane blades though, which i don't think matters too much from what i have read,
Kenney 66
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