Which plug-in should every woodworker and furniture maker must have?

Hello: Is there a specific plug-ins for SketchUp that every woodworker and furniture maker must have to make thing easy? Thanks Meezo
Hello: Is there a specific plug-ins for SketchUp that every woodworker and furniture maker must have to make thing easy? Thanks Meezo
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Meezo, Dave Richards has previously listed his "favorites" list of plug-ins. Plug-ins can certainly "make things easier" as you stated. However, I would not go so far to say any are "must haves". I find it feasible to do any of my designs without plug-ins. For beginners, I suggest working with the basic tool set within SketchUp. Plug-ins are best held-off until the user has adequately mastered what comes with the program.
Which plug-in should every woodworker and furniture maker must have?
I would say the perfect wife that puts up with you!
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