which magnetic featherboard to buy?

I want to buy a featherboard primarily for my tablesaw and am not sure which one to buy.
I figure a magnetic one is faster to set up and is more versitile because I can
put it anywhere on my cast iron table.
Looking at them I notice some claim to be more versitile than others.
I don’t want to buy just to find out it has limitation that others don’t have.
I looked briefly at the magswitch and the grip tite.
I guess it is one featherboard I want but a versitile system.
Which one? Thanks!
desired function
One additional thing to consider: do you also want the featherboard to function as an anti-kickback device? If so, would you trust a magnet for that purpose?
is control a function?
If i have a higher control of the workpiece as it goes through the cutting opperation
it will be less likely to have a kickback. Stopping kickback before it happens.
Once kickback starts there is considerable force generated.
My main purpose for using featherboards is to control the piece for more acurate
milling. The anti kickback is an added feature though. But it shouldn't happen if
the piece is controlled.
Trust a magnet?
These magswitch units hold tight and there are 2 points of contact compared to clamping a featherboard.
You do have to ensure there is minimal dust between the magnet and the table. I always give mine a yank to ensure thay are firmly anchored.
Depends on the strength of the magnet. I watched a guy pick up a steel tablesaw with a magnetic featherboard.
magnetic is fine
I use a lot of them and love em. I have several of the Magswitch at woodcrafter. To maximize bennefit I bought the one that you can flip the featherboard so you can use it on both sides of the blade. I share it with my bandsaw ts and bought a metal plate at lowes so I could use it with the routertabel that has a laminate top (just clamp it down). Trust me once those magnets are secured it ain't going no where. I just recently added the stackable attachment so I could have a tall featherboard to hold my stock tight against the fence on the RT. They aint cheap but a dream to use and I just store them on the side of the TS. you can buy just the magnets and make your own featherboard. I'm looking to buy a couple for some jigs I've got in mind.
Thank you!
I've decided to buy localy so i can look at them before i buy.
We have a woodcraft store nearby.
magnetic is fine
Look at it as either pushing or pulling. Since the overwhelming percentage of the time you are most interested in keeping the piece between the blade and the fence; why not concentrate on controling this area.
The product I am recommending is called "Board Mates" (originally, "Board Buddies, in the early 80's, when I bought mine). They come in three flavors, Yellow wheels (CW rotation) for the TS, Orange wheels (CCW rotation) for a RAS, and Green wheels (free wheeling) for the shaper.
Installs with a track to the rip fence, both rollers have adjustable 'hold down" pressure. The 'outfeed' roller can be set to control a 1/4" ripped strip. Once mounted to my TS fence, they remain in place for 90% of cuts, the RAS catches the crosscut work.
See the attached jpeg for more.
Which one ?
This is my choice. http://www.eagleamerica.com/product/v420-5020/safety_supplies
The universal model. Because you can use it on either side of the fence and also use it on your jointer.
I believe Woodcraft has them too.
My brother had those mounted on his table saw.
I went ahead and bought some magnetic featherboards.
I might end up buying a stock feeder. I like the idea of have a steady and consistant feed rate.
I have a shaper and will be building some doors so the stock feeder would be handy.
The most important advantage of the magnetic featherboards is that they set up so fast. My 20 year old griptite sets up with one hand as quick as putting my hand down there.
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