I am having trouble trying to find a hinge for this door (see picture).
I would like to use a european type if possible. With adjustments would be even better.
Thanks for any help.
I am having trouble trying to find a hinge for this door (see picture).
I would like to use a european type if possible. With adjustments would be even better.
Thanks for any help.
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Somethin' like this?
PS You didn't specify the overlay. These are for 3/8" overlay.
I use Mepla hinges. Mepla is a step up from Blum (which is what retailers like HD and Rockler sell).
They make a "Click-On" frameless hinge to suit your drawing. "Click-On" means: once the hinge is adjusted, you can remove and re-install the door (an audible 'click') without re-adjusting the hinge. They're three-way adjustable, too, which makes installation and correction for out of plumb and/or square cabinets a breeze.
A couple dollars more but worth every penny.
Edited 3/9/2007 7:34 pm ET by beachfarm
Yes, it is a 3/8" inset door. Mounted to the cabinet, no face frames.
I should have labled my picture different.
It looks like the one you suggested is mounted on the back of the face frame.
I don't know how that hinge mounts. I would assume it depends on the mounting plate that you buy with the hinge. That way you can mount the hinges on the face frame or the cabinet side.There are lots of manufacturers of "euro" hinges. The one I posted is only one of many. It is always best to contact a supplier to get specifics on any style of hardware before purchasing. Most dealers are more than happy to send a catalog.Good luck in your search.J.P.http://www.jpkfinefurniture.com
Hi Skilly ,
You can also use Mepla or Blum that I know of with a flush inset mounting bracket and the correct function hinge maybe only 125° opening or less .You mount the bracket back from the face to allow for the 3/8" lip.They do get screwed in to the jambs or bulkheads as the old timers would say .
Make a mock up and you will see exactly where to mount and drill the hardware . There is a great thread in which David AKA Ring here has given the Blum part numbers and a diagram . Try and do a search it was something like
" European hinges for 3/8" lip doors " by Ring
It was so simple once David laid it all out , heck that one tidbit paid for my subscription here to the Knots forum .
regards dusty
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