I read with interest your article on cherry Jon.. Then shared it with my sister and her husband..
Extremely well written and timely.
For a right wing corporate lacky 😉
I read with interest your article on cherry Jon.. Then shared it with my sister and her husband..
Extremely well written and timely.
For a right wing corporate lacky 😉
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Thank you, Mr. Dampier.
In these times, praise from a Frenchman is a thing to be coveted. :O)
PS: Were you able to download the second half of the article that was posted on Taunton's website?
....A liberal wanting the whole story ???...that would be novel (he,he)
What do you mean, Matt? Every word in that article is the gospel truth!
Lighten up...Or better yet, go find me a grant, so I can concentrate on drafting an article extolling the merits of a wood like Hemlock...Now that oughta take some time and creativity. :O)
I think you will find most liberals well educated and informed while that may not be what the right wing media want to admit or portray, I believe it as true as most things can be..
One final point, shouldn't political commentary belong in knots?
>>"One final point, shouldn't political commentary belong in knots?"<<
I think it's appropriate in the Cafe. The Cafe brings a sense of community to Knots that is lacking in other forums by providing a place for people with a known common interest (woodworking) to discuss other topics for the fun of it...And where it's understood to be just afterwork banter and gamesmanship. Well, at least it should be, anyway.
What I enjoy most about it is it reveals the attitudes and other interests of fellow Knotheads that simply don't surface in the more serious woodworking threads. Without the Cafe, Knots would be just another clearing house for questions and answers about our shared craft. I think it's good to be able to share other thoughts within a peer group.
...And I actually like Liberals. Especially with Ketchup. :O)
Oops! I meant to say Breaktime since we get pretty vocal over there..
PS I actually like conservatives especially when they are shining my car for me! ;-)
Aw, come on Frenchy, I took your comment about Jon being a right wing corporate lacky the way it was intended....with humor... I'm not allowed the same latitude? I even put in a he,he to insure it was taken as a joke.
Sorry, I had a wise crack to say and failed to add it because my daughter distracted me..
Jon I love your articles on cherry, you made mention of "the other half" of the article. I've tried searching the Finewoodworking site but don't seem to find it to download could you point me in the right direction?
Keep up the great work!
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king..."
try this link http://www.taunton.com/finewoodworking/pages/w00156.asp
If it doesn't work Jon's article is the first item under Fine Woodworking Online - Online Features - Materials
NO! I didn't see it, wait a minute I'll attempt to find it..
I am also a fan of Jon. I have his book "Woodworkers Visual Handbook". I have read 40 or 50 books from the library. I only own 6 or 8 one is Jon's book and I use it often.
Lynn Porter
Thanks, Lynn. I wrote that book on a buy-out basis and now Readers Digest owns the rights. I'll never do that again.
Mr. Arno is the perfect example of why we should judge creators' works, not their personalities.
Mr. Arno has done some great writing. But as a person, he has shown himself to be almost helplessly rude and insulting.
He just couldn't wait to knock my profession. I'll give him credit for waiting until a new thread was started before he did it. But his true, shallow nature came through.
Hey, Matt...Like Henry Ford once said: "I don't care what you say about me, but be sure to mention my name."
Do I owe you anything for all these plugs?
I finally found it thanks to Ian's link.. It was even better than what I read in the magazine. I especially liked the little history lesson you gave with it..
It seems that in Minnesota and Wisconsin most of the large mature pines were harvested by the turn of the last century. thus Cherry is just now coming into that 80/100 year old cycle that you spoke about..
The added elements really polished off the story for me so I once again give you a well done!
You cranky conservative ;-)
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