Is it possible to use water based poly (Minwax) as a wipe on finish? If so, what would be the procedure?
Steve M
Is it possible to use water based poly (Minwax) as a wipe on finish? If so, what would be the procedure?
Steve M
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My understanding is that water-based dries too fast to work well as a wipe on. Wash looking into it recently, and went to oil-based instead.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Byron, the question had to do with waterborne finish not, oil based. Waterborne can be wiped on but should not be thinned more than called for on the label. In general however, it's been my experience that it dries too fast work well when wiped on.
Sorry for the misread. You can go to and look under FUHR waterborne finishes and see a tutorial on wiping waterbrone finishes. See if this will help.
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