I got a deal on a used vise, or did I? It has no back metal jaw, like on other ones where you mortise that into the bench, only one front metal jaw. The rear is a flat piece of metal (90 degrees to the front, if I’m saying that right) through which the guide rods move. I assume it is maybe meant to be mounted in such a way that the rear jaw would be in fact the wood bench top/apron? With a wood facing of course on the front jaw. I don’t see how else it can work, and nothing appears missing.
I’d appreciate any tips anyone can provide.
Yes, what you typically do with those is mount the rear portion under the benchtop (you may need to include a spacer block). The front apron of the bench becomes the rear face. If your bench doesn't have a full-length apron, you can just attach a wood block, say 6" tall by 12" wide, to the front edge of the bench in the location of the vise. You will have to drill some holes through the apron or block to allow for the hardware to pass through. A matching wood block is then attached to the movable portion to act as the front jaw of the vise.
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