Does using polyurethane varnish in a varnish/blo/mineral spirits mix add any durability to the finish?
Does using polyurethane varnish in a varnish/blo/mineral spirits mix add any durability to the finish?
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Here is a discussion I recall from not long ago
Poly vs Other Varnish
Thanks for the link. Interesting reading. However, none of it addressed my question which is whether Polyurathane varnish in the varnish/oil blend adds any durability. Or, maybe by the time it is all diluted by the oil and mineral spirits, it doesn't offer a significant durability component.
The more varnish or poly that you add to the mix increases the strenght of the final finish.
Unless I'm mistaken, poly is considered to be more durable that other types of varnish. If that is true, does including poly in a wiping oil blend add significant durability over the other varnishes (assuming the same mix ratios)?
It's not more durable - using either finish will work. Poly is used more on floors for it's scratch resistance qualities. Varnish can be rubbed out unlike poly - to create a furniture finish. No finish does everything for you. Example : what are you looking for -
flexibility, uv protection, hardness, light or dark color, fast dry time, indoor - outdoor protection - abrasion resistance - moisture resistance ? no finish will give you all of the above. Most of the folks here on this site do not like poly as a furniture finish. My opinion is poly is OK if that's your choice and you like what you read about it. Remember that the more finish (poly or varnish) you add to the mix - the more durable the finish protection will be.
Poly mix durability
I don't mean to be argumentative. I didn't realize the my question would be so difficult. To me, scratch resistance is, at least, a component of durability. I understand that there are varying opinions on its use as a furniture finish and I'm not trying to open that discussion. I like to get some extra protection on some parts such as tops and will use poly there. Since poly alone will provide some scratch protection for a top, I was simply wondering, on technical merits alone, how much extra protection you might get using it in a mix for wiping. I suspect that it will be so diluted that any extra protection will be minimal.
I don't take it as argumentive. Whether you use poly or varnish the durability factor is pretty much equal. The way to get more protection is to do a varnish or poly wipe not a mix. Remember what ever finish you use there are trade offs. One can be more scratch resistant but not easily repairable. One finish can yellow less while another doesn't recoat well. There is no perfect answer.
Suggest you do not get too caught up in a detail that will not have any noticeable difference no matter what resin you use.
I appreciate talking with you -
Not caught up. Just a question based on curiosity.
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