I was working on a design for a medium sized dining table and wasn’t exactly sure what dimensions I wanted. A little curious (and bored) I decided to Google “dining table dimensions”. This is the first site that was listed <!–www.sizes.com. So cool, it even lists stuff I never would have thought of, but is extremely useful to know. Def. added to my bookmarks, check it out.>–><!–www.sizes.com. So cool, it even lists stuff I never would have thought of, but is extremely useful to know. Def. added to my bookmarks, check it out.>–>
Jimmy W.
Check this website:
Even better. The thing about the other site was they had almost anything you could think of listed, sizes of sports fields, different animals, buildings, and much more, even down to the molecular size.Jimmy W.
I wanted. A little curious (and bored)
(and bored).. I'd say never start the project.. Sorry!
Will, you have to understand my situation. I've been "stuck" at home on daddy duty for the week because my company is in between projects and we don't have any small projects to fill the gap. So, my girlfriend decided rather than both of us be home, she would go work for the temp agency she worked for towards the end of her pregnancy (long story about that).
I'm not sure what to say without upetsetting YOU! Nothing for a young man that does not understand what a child can mean for you.
Woodorking is a different place and time.. Care for THE CHILD! Wood lasts forever as a child will if well caded for.
I'd forget about woodworking and think ALOT about the pregnant woman!
A old man here that babysat two 3 and 4 year old girls.. YES a old man can babysitt girls! But they are very different!
Forget about woodworking BE WITH THE BABIES!
It will MAKE you a MUCH better man! And you will never realize why till they grow up as better children... NO IT IS NOT EASY BABYSITTING.. But if you can do it.. Takes patients.. but well worth it.. NOTHING like a child that will hug you and remember you for life as a GOOD Man!
I would say if you are not liked by children you will never b a great at woodworking!
EDIT: I would say if you are not liked by children you will never b a great at woodworking!
WHY?.. I'd say.. You never learned the skill of being really cool and thinks before acts! Sort of like being firm but never hit the child or the wood that is before you!
Edited 2/1/2008 12:43 pm by WillGeorge
Edited 2/1/2008 1:01 pm by WillGeorge
Second, damn right you've got me upset, no down right offended.
What I wanted to to.. offended!! I am glad I did! I got my message across... Glad you got my message! I read something like you you were tied down to a baby or the lady... I think..
No hate here but I read what you posted! All I saw was something like you were upset your mate kept YOU from woodworking because SHE was pregnant!
I cannot respont to such 'Typing You Do''.. Just a old man that lived my life and not that afraid of death,, But you brougth me closet to it I was so upset... LOL.
Lastly, my half sister was born when I was 15 and I spent a good majority of my time raising her (ie. when I wasn't in school or at work). I know men can take care of girls, I consider her (who is now 10) to be like my own child. Before my son was born she was put before everything in my life.
Now I know you are a real person! I got on you for the first post..
SORRY.. Why did you not state than in thE first place?
Edited 2/1/2008 2:11 pm by WillGeorge
Ok, this is the last post about this subject, I believe it has already gone too far. I would just like to say that had you not jumped to a conclusion in your first post, this wouldn't have gone down this slippery slop. Instead of "abandon the project" you could have offered advice on how you get through boredom and stimulate your mind to complete the task at hand (even though that wasn't what I was bored with). Also, you obviously didn't read all of my explanation post because my last paragraph reads "I love being able to be home with my son, it's amazing how much he grows every day, and I can see it more when I'm here all the time, but at 8 weeks he sleeps a lot and so I have a LOT of time on my hands. "I don't see how you could think that I was unhappy with my current situation.I believe that both Knots and Breaktime are on a downward trend due to all of the old grumps out there that have nothing better to do with their time but flame other posters. There's no reason anyone should be glad they offended someone. I was raised that if I offend someone I apologize and explain my side if I was misunderstood (ie, my second post).Last, I am going to ask that if you see a post by me, just keep passing by, there is no reason to start any other fights. I also ask that either you or Taunton remove your posts, as I am removing mine (except for the opening and this one). Hope you can enjoy the rest of your day and have a more positive outlook.Jimmy W.
Edited 2/1/2008 3:24 pm by jw0329
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