I’ve been given an opportunity to buy several machines from a guy who is getting out of woodworking for a total of $1,500 Cdn, including delivery to my shop by a lift truck. The basic lot includes a 70’s Rockwell/Delta 14″ bandsaw, two 6″x48″ finishing machines (sanders) and a 70’s Delta 3HP, single-phase Unisaw with the original Jet Lock fence. The sanders are not in working condition, but he says that there are enough good parts left to build one complete working unit. The saw was made in Guelph, Ontario and is equipped with a Delta sliding table. I have not made the trip down to his shop to look at the gear yet, but rest assured that I will approach the opportunity with due caution.
My question concerns the Unisaw. I can’t find anything on Delta’s website which mentions a sliding table dating from the 70’s, and I’ve also checked the Old Woodworking Machinery site. Does anyone have any information on this item or any links that might give me a chance to bone up on this baby before I visit his shop?
Delta made two small sliding tables over the years for the saw. Not too impressive as they didn't stay in production long. The only source would be some old Delta catalogs or calling Delta technical as a possibility. Just go look at the saw and see for yourself. I don't think you will be too excited over it in the long run.
I know a fella' that has one of those sliding tables. As the other poster commented, it's not real impressive.
Considering the two sanding machines as basically scrap (lots of your time required), it doesn't sound like that great of a deal unless the BS and TS are pristine! Take into account also that the 70's were not exactly a time known for high quality output from Delta. Unisaws were fairly immune to the quality loss, bandsaws somewhat but less so.
Good luck whichever way you go!
Thanks for your comments. I haven't had a chance to visit this guy's shop yet, but I'll approach any negotiations carefully.Best regards,Ron
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