And I’m not just talking about the contributors.
Some mornings I’ll look at the unread messages, and entire threads that began months ago just show up. Now, I know this happens if someone posts in them as of late. But these are threads that are dormant.
You fellers been messin around with the twilight zone or summat?
Perhaps some little imp is getting into your computer and messin' with the cookies??
I never understood imps or cookies.
OK, I'll fess up.
I been huntin imps cause fuel prices are way outa control and we can't afford no mo grocery. They been know to steal cookies and hoard 'em in computers.
Well, I jus hopped on the Inet, went into stealth mode, and up popped an IP address under some sawdust and shavings. When I got there an imp was trying to 'scape and when I let loose with the shotgun he dropped your cookie jar and they went all over the place.
Gobbled up the crums and tried to get them back where they belong but missed a few. Off in the distance was a portly English gent carrying a bunch o' cookies and some strange Madcows under his arm.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Hmmm. This whole thing is evolving into something quite devious. I'm gonna call my buddy, Dean Koontz, and provide him with a novel idea for his novel.
Come come, Mr C,
Everyone do know that a blewcrowe is a type of psychedelic mushroom found in the mouldy sawdust that gathers in shed corners. They are veinous with purple and scarlet patches, not to mention an odour like freshly cut pau rosa that has had the cat at it. Your post is merely a transparent attempt to elicit our sympathy in your war on the imps, who enjoy mushrooms with their sausages and tomatoes of a morning time.
As to the randomly-occuring posts and threads, these are due to cosmic rays interfering with the Taunton server. Or it might be a shaving in the router.
Talking of routers, how do those wireless ones work? If they take the wires out the motor will fail to go round and round, so the bit will just sit there and we will have to make the mouldings take shape by scraping the whole thang up and down the edge. Surely this is a back'ard step to 1776? I cannot wear a periwig; they are too hot and tend to be infested with silly ideas that can get in your brain.
Lataxe, who enjoys mushrooms of every kind.
PS What is a Koontz? (I hardly dared ask)!
Mr. Latex, I suspect you're stretching it when you act like you don't know what a Koontz is.
A Koontz is a writer who provides insight into weird stuff like this, and he also talks about mushroom worshipers, like you.
Actually, one of the top ten selling authors of all time. He's sometimes, how should I put this ...... out there?. But he can write a thriller that's heartwarming at the same time. If you're a reader, get hold of "Odd Thomas", the first in a series featuring one of the most popular characters in literary history.
Mr C,
You recommend that I ".....get hold of "Odd Thomas".
In Wales this is an illegal procedure, usually perpetrated in a public park by a shify eyed bloke with lank hair and a raincoat (but nowt else). I presume that this meaning has not crossed to Atlantic yet?
In case you were wondering, the Welsh women are not fond of Thomas-grasping (and certainly not its waving about in a public place, where folk normally go to enjoy the flowers and birdsong) so apply an unpleasant procedure that sometimes leaves only the Thom and no mass. Then the rozzers come, with everyone arrested and taken before The Beak who incarcerates them for a period, so they can learn new tricks in the crime school (I mean think on their naughty ways and vow to do only good in future).
In all events, I'll have a look at Amazon for that Koontz, despite this being a term of abuse often yelled by folk from Birmingham (England, not Alabam) who are drunk, as they come across other drunks in the street wearing football scarves in colours of a different team from that favoured by the yelling-ones. Often there are accompanying hand gestures of an irresponsible kind, which may lead to personal damage and the wife locking them out for the night. In the worst cases, the rozzers come and....etcetera.
Lataxe, who never goes to the parks of Wales nor wears a football scarf, especially in Brum.
Well, for a ponder, you have the picture down pretty good.
Sir L;I don't know much of ancient Welsh female customs on Thomas-Grasping.Here in the New World, we leave that sort of capering about to "where are they now" status celebrities, and elected officials in airport bathrooms.Perhaps those Welsh ladies (or laddies in some cases), were the original Tommy-Knockers.AndyLooking after the well being of Thomas and the Boys
You guys are craaaaaaaaaaaaaa zzeeeeeeey. I must say quite enjoyably though.
You fellers been messin around with the twilight zone ..
NO, but I'v been known to visit the 'Dark Side' on occasion! I even have a painting from the Night Gallery in my shop!
Well, I'm a Harley biker, so I'm already a member of the dark side.
Harley biker..
I had one if you want to call it that. Side shifter WWII surplus! 1956 or so? Not sure exactly. Cost me $100.00 as I recall.. Hell, that was like $20,000 to me now!
It was in full dress Military packing and took a long time to get it running. Took it out and a car cut me off and I ended up on a sideways full of people. I laid the bike over and went through a large store front plate glass window. I was not hurt to bad.. And as far as I remember nobody else was either.. The bike was trash and I did not have any more money...
I never rode after that. HOWEVER, I still have that urge! All I need now is the money for one! Maybe I'll get one and ride to California before the grim reaper comes for me... I wish!
Well, I've had years of pain free, rubber side up, riding. While I know good fate has been with me, I've spent many hours under the guidance of professional motorcycle safety trainers, and continue to keep my skills refreshed. The physics of a motorcycle are sometimes 180 degrees from a 4 wheeled vehicle.
Frinstance, if you want to turn left with a motorcycle, which way do you turn the handlebars? If you answered "left" then you're dead wrong. If you want to turn left, you turn the handlebars right. Until you understand and embrace this fact, you'll never be safe on a motorcycle.
You wanna stop fast. Which brake is the most important, front or back? If you answered the "back brake" you'd be dead wrong, and maybe dead, too. The back brake is almost worthless. 80% of your stopping power comes from proper management of the front brake.
Just examples of how the instruction really changed the way I look at riding (and driving) and has made me a much better predictor of potentially precarious situations on the road. Ping me off line if you ever want to discuss the details.
Riding is a freedom and an exhillaration unmatched by few activities. If you were to ask me what it feels like to ride the roads on a Harley, I will tell you ...... "What does it feel like? Like sex. Only it lasts longer." <bg>
Edited 3/31/2008 9:25 am ET by blewcrowe
Frinstance, LO..L Ya spells like I do!under the guidance of professional motorcycle safety trainers.. Not hardly left after WWII when the bike I had was made! By the way my father was a bomber piolet I never saw!.. Mom said he was really a Cool guy!
if you want to turn left with a motorcycle, which way do you turn the handlebars?
I turned out of the way of the people!Which brake is the most important, front or back?Front brake if you want to impress the girls and you survive the flip over!Riding is a freedom I agree.. I spent a month or two in the Hospital recovering and as I remember no girl around to impress! OK so for that Candy Striper that came every night to tuck me in,, She was something. A blond.. My lady was a brunnete! No Blond can do anything like a brunette can do!
I do not hate motorcycles! I love them!
Edited 3/31/2008 11:19 am by WillGeorge
After reading this post; The site got even more weird and I am talking about the contributors.
Regards, Screen
I think this occurs when someone refers to a past post. When you go back to that post, sometimes you forget that it is an old thread and something catches your eye - so that you answer that thread. Hence you answer a post that may be years old.
No, that's not it. I know what you mean, but these are old threads that have not been renewed. All of a sudden I was picking up dozens of resurrected threads that started and ended back in early March.
Well then I will join the ranks of the unknowing. Here, I thought I was on to something.
All of a sudden I was picking up dozens of resurrected threads that started and ended back in early March.
Not sure what you mean by resurrected ?
To the best of my knowledge threads/discussions don't really die! I have seen discussions that date back to 1999 and a reply will resurrect it/them I believe. If you set Show Discussions to With Unread Messages you should only see discussions that have posts that you have not read yet.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 3/31/2008 8:37 am ET by KiddervilleAcres
No Bob. I'm picking up threads that were read weeks ago, and have not been posted in for a while, that are reappearing as if they were new, unread threads. As I said, maybe I'm reading too much Koontz or King, but this is getting creepy.
Nope, can't blame Koontz or King for this.
What I'm curious to know is if you set Show Discussions to With Unread Msgs. then click Go, does it show discussions without [# New] or [# New of ##], etc.?
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
The answer is yes.
blew,Until an hour ago I would have been sitting alongside Kidderville Bob, scratching my head at your troubles. Then I came across a thread in which the last post was dated a week ago. Now looking farther down the list I can see six more threads with similar dates. And I've checked the site faithfully every day. So you can relax, I don't think it's anything creepy. I think it's just Prospero having one of their hiccups. Dan
Well, I'm sorry you've got the same problems, and not sorry I'm not alone. <g>
But this is not the only problem. I'm regularly having issues where I'm going through threads and it tells me I've seen them all, but there are a dozen more threads I've not even touched.
Key the lead-in music .......... dee de daa da, dee de daa da .......... You've fallen into .......... the Twilight Zone.
I think it's just Prospero having one of their hiccups.
I'm kinda leanin toward crumbly cookie(s) mebbe.
Just a thought,
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 3/31/2008 1:59 pm ET by KiddervilleAcres
Bob, Maybe so. After I finish this session I'll try logging out and back in. It's been a while since I've done that, so there may be some crumbs lying around.Thanks,
If you're using Internet Explorer you can delete cookies from your browser via Tools/Internet Options and on mine (version 6.0) there is a button on the General Tab that says Delete Cookies. I would do that then close IE then restart it.
It could be blowin in the wind but it's a simple easy thing to try.
Then again it could have something to do with the record breaking snow here in the Northeast that has caused the earth to tilt ever so slightly. Not to worry though cause when it all melts the tilt will go away!
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Bob,Thanks, but I'm using a Mac and Firefox instead of Explorer. Your advice did at least spur me into quitting Firefox and restarting it, as a first step. It's too soon to know if that will affect the old-thread issue, but it did solve a separate problem I was having: degree signs, etc. being replaced by question marks. That was annoying because copy and paste don't seem to work with Firefox when it can't figure out the proper symbol. So maybe it was flaky Firefox that was making crumbs. In any case, thanks again.Dan
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