Hi John,
In your book you advise a slight deflection on the belt in tuning up a table saw. Could you amplify? In autos a common deflection mentioned is 1/8 -1/4 “, band saws – 1/8” mid blade. Is there some standard deviation for most cabinet saws?
This is in reference to a Powermatic 66 with factory belts.
On close set small pulleys there should be just a bit of slack: 1/8 to 1/4 inch under finger pressure. The Powermatic probably has multiple belts which are somewhat less likely to slip than a single belt machine, so you can definitely allow a bit of give in the belts.
I have almost never seen a table saw with seriously slipping belts, so I wouldn't worry too much about it and you are better off to have them on the looser side of the range, too tight is more likely to cause excess wear of the belts and the bearings.
If you happen to have the belts off, be sure to tighten the set screws on the pulleys, there are possibly two in each pulley, since I have seen a few pulleys come loose over time.
John White
Thanks John,This particular machine was in the 3/4' range at midpoint on the belts so I took up most of the slack. You would think manufacturers would address such in their manuals. Powermatic is very parsimonious in what they put in print.Thanks againBoiler
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