Stilling got problems with this fourm

Is anyone else having problems with getting rid of posts they have all ready read?
Scott C. Frankland
“He who has the most tools may not win the race of life but he will sure make his wife look like a good catch when she goes to move on.”
the very first thread i ever started about two years ago still comes up at the top of the page every single time i sign in. i finally gave up trying to do anything about it and just ignore it.
my current problem is that i'm no longer getting an email notification when somebody posts a message to me. i've asked sysop about it but haven't heard back. it's the second problem i've had lately- a couple months ago i was on like "super secret ignore" or something. apparently while i could read or post anything, nobody could see anything i wrote. i'd ask a question and nobody would respond. it was weird- kinda like being invisible or something.
Thanks for the reply. I am finding that sometimes when I click on the unread messages button it works and sometimes it only partially works. I guess I will have to live with it then.Scott C. Frankland
Scott's WOODWORKING Website"He who has the most tools may not win the race of life but he will sure make his wife look like a good catch when she goes to move on."
I am still having trouble. For example, this morning the site suddenly became unavailable and I lost a post about worms (the composting kind, not the political kind).
HEY! i just got an email notification of your post to me! maybe the latest glitch is fixed. stay tuned...
Mitch its not that it didn't work in the past it is that we have all just been ignoring you. Just kidding, glad to see one of use is getting somewhere with our problems.Scott C. Frankland
Scott's WOODWORKING Website"He who has the most tools may not win the race of life but he will sure make his wife look like a good catch when she goes to move on."
ya know to tell you the truth, until sysop actually confirmed there was a problem on their end i was starting to get a little paranoid. was it something i said? did i pi$$ somebody off and they hacked into my account? it was working my nerves for a few days...
I'm not sure about this web site, but many use cookies on your machine to keep track of what you've already seen and when you were last there. I have occasionally erased all my cookies and found that many of the web sites I visit have lost track of me.
Depending on your browser security settings, your system may not be allowing some sites to write cookies to your system. It's the most common reason why a site "remembers" some visitors but not others.
So... check your security settings.
Its not that I have already checked out most of the software ideas.
Thanks anyway though.Scott C. Frankland
Scott's WOODWORKING Website"He who has the most tools may not win the race of life but he will sure make his wife look like a good catch when she goes to move on."
I have mentioned this problem in the past, and pestered Mark (sysop) about it. He's tried, but it would appear that the folks at Propspero aren't too interested at this point in fixing it. (BTW, for those who wonder, what happens -- in my case anyway -- is that a post that was addressed to me and then deleted seems to be "stuck" in the system as an "unread message to me").
This is one of two issues that really make me irritated at Prospero. The other one is the fact that we cannot search for a message using members' nicknames. We have to use their registered name. BOGUS! Makes that part of the search function completely useless.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
>> We have to use their registered name.
That was just an annoyance when there was a way to find the registered names. But now I don't know of any way to do that, and you're right, it's bogus.
I never have know of a way. The reason "forestgirl" doesn't work for me is that when the switch to Prospero happened, I was unable to register as forestgirl so I registered as a_forestgirl and selected forestgirl as my nickname. A couple of people have tried to find posts of mine and been unable, and ditto for me finding posts of others that I can remember but can't place.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
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