In the past I have had problems with Stained Oak yellowing/darkening over time when using a oil based stain and a oil based varthaine.
If I use a oil based stain BUT a water based finish will the oak remian it’s natural colour over a long period of time (i.e. at least 10 years). I would like the oak to stay it’s natural colour forever. How can I accomplish this?
Is it the stain or the finish that causes the wood to darken over time?
The stain probably doesn't contribute much to darkening over time, but the top coat finish can be a significant source of darkening. Any of the oil based top coats are potential culprets. Waterborne topcoats, with acyrlic resin, are much less subject to darkening over time. Shellac is also color stable, for long periods. BUT, the wood itself, unless stored in a dark vacuum will also darken significantly over time. Oak won't change as much as cherry but it is still going to change. That you cannot change.
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