Stainable Wood Filler – Pickling/Whitewash Oak
I have 3 access panels- doors in my walls that serve as access panel doors for my electrical panels, etc…
Currently, there is a handle mounted with 2 screw holes in them. The panels is Oak Plywood.
I plan to pickle /whitewash them. Ideally, I’d like to remove the handles on them and just have the doors flush with no handle. However, everything I’ve read seems to infer that the any of the ~stainable~ products on the market is not that great.
Which leaves me with a couple of options..
– Leave handles alone. Remove handles. Whitewash the wood and install handles back.
– You guys give me a great advice on sealing up these 2 screwholes per door, and I whitewash and make the access panels flush////handleless as intended.
There is no such thing as a filler that would take stain to look like the surrounding wood. But it isn't impossible to get a pretty good match filling screw holes. The key is to fill them AFTER they have been stained so you can match the filler to the final coloration. With oak, you might want to model in depressions of the oak grain. They won't completely disappear. If that's necessary a bit more complicated process is called for.
If you can keep the handles - do so.
Because even with a good fill using water putty and a good touch up - over time - those holes will show up again.
If you have to fill it is a bit more complicted process as mentioned above - I'd try a white bondo product with a white hardner.
Thx for the feedback guys. I could keep the's not that big of a dealbreaker....
I do plan to whitewash these panels.....and it would have been great if I was able to make these access panels handleless...but still blend in with the 2 holes **patched** from the screw holes that holds the handles. Not a I guess the handles stay
A pretty good match sometimes is possible with tapered wood plugs. Don't know how easy they are to find these days as I bought mine decades ago and last used them almost that long ago.
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