Can you use a speed control for a router to slow down a bench grinder ?
Can you use a speed control for a router to slow down a bench grinder ?
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No you can't. Router speed controls will only work on universal motors - the kind with brushes. Induction motors like the ones used on bench grinders can be damaged by these speed controls. There are special speed controllers for induction motors but they are very expensive and are generally used for industrial applications.
As Mangler said...No you can't. A single phase induction motor has a centrifugal switch and will literally destroy itself by slowing it down. A three phase grinder can be slowed down with a VFD. You can get a two speed grinder from Delta or Woodcraft for under a $100.
No, all grinders have induction motors, speed control only works on universal motors.
Try what I do, turn grinder on, let it come up to full speed and then turn the grinder off. Begin grinding, the wheel will slow down of course. Continue this method until you are done. I always use this method to grind turning tools and narrow chisels. Unlikely to overheat the tool this way and you can better see what you are grinding.
You still should quench the tool in water to dissapate heat.
Great idea! I never would have thought of that. Best of all it will cost me 0 dollars.
Darren"Come on guys, what do you need, a refresher course? It's all ball bearings these days."
If you use a grinder head with separate motor then speed can be adjusted by pulleys.
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