Anyone out there know of a good online source for obscure glass (reeded, frosted, etc.) for cabinet door use?
Anyone out there know of a good online source for obscure glass (reeded, frosted, etc.) for cabinet door use?
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When I first read the title I thought it said, "Source for obscene glass."
Rockler has a good selection of styles; go to and do a search on "textured glass."
I don't have personal experience with it.
Have you tried your local hardware store? I could not believe the price they got for a 12x12" piece...less than $2. I then bought a can of spray to make the glass foggy looking.
You might wanna fill in your profile info so folks can see where ya be. The commercial glass suppliers near me carry probably hundreds of styles.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
The a good source for unusual glass - hand blown - colored - textured - etc. are the shops and catalog/internet suppliers for folks into stained glass window/lamp/ etc. making. Check your yellow pages or google.
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