Sketchup 5 for Mac OS X 10.3.9

I just read this month’s FW article on Sketchup and it is exactly what I have been looking for. Takes me all the way from rough concept to final component drawings, saving me many hours on the drafting table.
But, the current free version on the Sketchup site is Sketchup 6 which cannot run on my Mac OS X 10.3.9 system. Sketchup 5 can, but only the 8 hr. demos of Sketchup Pro are available for older versions of Sketchup. Does anyone have the free Sketchup 5 version that they can send a copy of to me?
Why don't you try contacting the SketchUp customer service folks? They are usually very helpful.
Someone else who has the same problem already contacted them via their user help group. They are developing a work-around so that Mac OS X 10.3.9 can run the Sketchup 6 (free) version. Until then only the 8 hr demo Sketchup 5 Pro version is available from their site. That's why I thought I'd try this user group to see if someone could send me a copy of Sketchup 5 (free) for the Mac OS X 10.3.9.
Here is a link to previous versions:
The previous versions on this link turn out to be the 8 hr demo versions of Sketchup Pro.
But, thanks for the suggestion.
why not upgrade to 10.4?
I may have too. But my 10.3.9 does everything that I want .... except for this. I'm trying to be very disciplined and not buy woodworking tools until I really need them for a project. So I'm excerising the same discipline on a computer upgrade. I guess basically I'm tight.
Did you ever get your SketchUp working? I know it's a long time ago but I have OSX 10.4.8 and my Sketchup works fine. I started using it around the time of the message series. I write this since the thread quit.(:-)
Windy Wood
In the Helderberg Mountains of NY
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