Oh, I forgot, I also have a Shopsmith, too. With the 4 in. jointer. Looking for same sort of advice as for the cabinet saw mentioned in previous post. Thanks.
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As for the shopsmith, do you have the manual? It details what the mainteance calls for. If you don't I think it is available now on their website. You don't mention your model, but check out their site. Here is the link for tips on servicing different sections. I don't use mine much anymore since upgrading to individual machines, but here is a link. The big thing is to check the belt. If it's been a long time it could be frayed. Also the luburacation of the quil assembly is important. The manual is real good. Mine sat idel in a shed for about 3 years. I did a good lub and clean and she worked just fine. Good luck.
Just a second for giving the shopsmith a going over before using it. The bearing that the speed control attaches to tends to need cleaning and lubirication. I have an old mark V that a "friend":) dropped off at my house and that part is the only part that has given me much trouble. The Jointer attachement works well but I cant figure out how to face joint a 12" wide board on it;).
have fun
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