Want to construct workshop attached to stuco covered block house in central FL. Zoning says must appear to be same as house. Options: Block walls with stucco, (2) frame walls with stucco cover, &(3) metal trussed pre-engineered bldg with “stucco” panels.
I can frame and cover studs with mesh and parge this myself. Mason wants $2.00 per block to do his thing & I parge. I have no experience with pre-manufactured stucco panels.
Termites and carpenter ants are murder here .
Bldg will be 30′ wide x 60′ long with 14′ to eves. 4/12 pitch roof, galvalume sheet.
Pros/ cons?
Go for the best and don't look back. In a few years you won't remember the dilemma. Just make sure you seal the block on the outside and insulate the inside. When you air condition the shop it will make a huge difference. Check out my place in Maitland if you want. Jim
Thanks for the advice. You are right....when I add air conditioning...
I would love to visit you shop. I had no idea there were any other woodworkers in this area. Guess I think of this area as a huge city, devoid of any pursits in manual arts.
Yes, there are lots of "us" in the Orlando area. Several woodworking clubs meet monthly at Woodcraft in Casselberry, plus others. Email me and I'll send you my phone number in Maitland;
[email protected]
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