I want to replace my current shop heater (a 220v elec unit) with a gas one. My question is, which one to get. Resnor is kinda spendy…Grainger sells Dayton, HD sells one from Hamilton. My shop is a 2 1/2 car garage, fully insulated, with an insulated door. The Dayton unit from Grainger is 45,000 btu and sells for 650 bucks, which is the upper limit of my budget. The Hamilton one from HD is 45,00 btu’s for 500 bucks.
My company buys quite a bit of stuff from Grainger since they have an account there. The one thing I have noticed is their Dayton items are extremely similar to other chinese made tools. Any yet they seem to charge a premium for them. For example we have a 14" Dayton band saw. It is no better in fit and finish than the first Griz 14" I bought years ago. And yet they charge $225 more for it. They are litterally the same design. Even the motors look the same and data plate in same spot. Just different colors. So I am not a big fan of Dayton tools. I really don't know but I think they just have their own name put on tools that are already developed for someone, or other people. And because of their business accounts. They get away with charging a premium price.
I have tossed around going with 2 hard mounted propane units in my new to me shop. Right now I use 2 portable propane convection units. Have a 3rd forced air one when I want to get the temp up quick. But the way I work right now (2 weeks away from home, 1 week off at home). Not really worth the expenditure.
Grainger is a company that deals in we will have it here this afternoon. They are very good at what they do.
If you are a hobbyist, you are not who they mean to serve. If you are a woodworker trying to get by on the cheap, they are not your best source.
They rightly charge a premium for this service. They offer a wide range of goods in a very timely manner.
Perhaps you can wait two weeks for a bandsaw, some can not.
Maybe you think you can offer the same range of product with a comparable delivery window.
Have at it. Have you taken a look at the number of items in their catalog?
If a commercial supplier does not meet your needs then shop elsewhere. Don't bitch about the price they have to charge to provide the service they do.------------------------------------
It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump. ~David Ormsby Gore
You might want to look at the Hot Dawg gas heater made by Modine.
If you can't find a local dealer you can buy them online.
I found this website yesterday that seems to have good prices on them, plus free shipping. http://www.qcsupply.com/Products/9543.aspx
You may find this hard to believe, but I have the same garage shop size that you have, and have the perfect inexpensive solution that I discovered quite by accident. I purchased two Pelonis portable heaters (they measure a minute 7x6x5 inches) and use very little energy. I turn them on about an hour before I go into the garage and after about an hour shut them off because its nice and warm. It was around 20 degrees the other morning and they were shut down in about an hour and a half. Just stick them anywhere and direct the heat where you need it. I dry glue super fast by pointing one a foot or so from the glue up. I can also bring them inside and direct them toward my cold feet after being out in the snow and cold..You can send me 1/2 of the money I just saved you. LOL
Ya want to sale your electric one, when you replace it?
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Edited 1/18/2008 12:15 pm by bones
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