shimming shaper spindle cartridges

Can anyone shed some light on how to shim a shaper spindle cartridge to bring the spindle into being perfectly perpendicular to the table? I have
new Delta shaper that is out of alignment and any literature that I can find gives about a one sentence reference to &
#39;shimming the cartridge as necessary”. The thought of shimming parts that are machined to go together seems like a dicey operation.
Thanks for any help.
I did this to a Delta shaper a few years back and as I recall there are three bolts that secure the cartridge carrier to the table top. I loosened these and shimmed between to get the spindle perpendicular. It took quite a few tries to get to the point that I was satisfied. Once I got it right the machine performed very well. I also used a long straight edge clamped between two collars on the spindle and feeler gauges to measure at the edge of the table.
Charles M
Freud America, Inc.
Edited 5/20/2005 8:27 am ET by CHARLES_MC
I think you can get brass shims from a auto store.. I did once.. Kit of several..
Amazin' things! And not to expensive!
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