I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Sometime ago, I purchased a Sheperd hand plane kit, an A6 smoother with an adjuster. Anyway, I was getting ready to peen the pin that holds the cap lever and I discovered that I’m unable to remove the blade due to insufficient clearance between the blade and cap lever even with the screw backed out all the way. Seems like this is not a problem if one didn’t have the adjuster, but with it, I need to pivot the blade about 3/8″ forward in order to release it from the adjuster ring, and I get can’t seem to get the clearance required. I’ve even retracted the blade as far as it will go, still unable to remove the blade. So it seems something is wrong, just not sure what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You might solve this problem by turning down the thickness of the head of the screw which holds cap iron/chipbreaker to the blade.
The metal would probably be best removed from the shoulder of the head.
If the slot is deep enough one could remove a little from the top surface as well.
If this does not do enough you might have to file a lot of metal from the underside of the lever cap, or consider thinning the top of the ring into which the screw locates.
Just ideas, difficult to make a judgement without seeing the plane.
I fitted a Holtey adjuster to a Shepherd plane, the building and modifications are described at length in my third book, along with various rude comments about the kit.
best wishes,
Thanks David,
I was thinking along the same lines, just wanted to see what others were doing. I will be sure to checkout your third book, I have the first two, and really enjoy them, thanks for writing them.
Steve Shaw
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