How many woodworkers does it take to sharpen a chisel?
1 to sharpen the chisel.
3 to ask what method was used to sharpen the chisel.
7 to say they agree that the method was best.
1 to boast that he’s tried that method but his is better.
12 to say that they use the Scary sharp method.
4 to say they don’t like Scary because they don’t want to get their chisels wet.
1 to ask what the Scary method is.
8 to extol the virtues of Arkansas stones.
4 to point out the difference between sharpening and honing.
3 to extol the virtues of Japanese water stones.
1 to boast about his Tormek sharpening system.
3 to quote Leonard Lee on the best way to sharpen the chisel.
2 to complain about how expensive the Tormek system is.
1 to show his home built sharpening system and boast at how well it works.
3 to notice that the homemade system seems unusually complex.
1 to boast that he sends his chisels out because he does not have the patience.
1 to tell a story of how he learned to sharpen chisels during his apprenticeship to a Scottish master.
1 to ask, “What does sharp look like?”
27 to answer him.
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
One left handed light bulb to start a new thread.
Preferably one with a lot of time on his hands.
that wouldn't be a self tapping lightbulb by any chance..???Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
No, just a light tap that runs hot and cold.
How in he** did we get from chisel sharpening to Hot Flashes????? SawdustSteve
Hot Flashes.. Rubbin' to hard?
Still don't get it. My sense of humor must have gotten dull too.
Sharpening chisels is like sex.
Every guy has his own method. Every guy thinks his is the best. But as long as it gets the job done and makes you happy, that's all that matters.
"Every guy has his own method" How do you know this? :-)Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
I've watched other guys.....
sharpen chisels.
and makes you happy, that's all that matters..
WRONG!.... Maked ya BOTH happy!
Sorry.. I just HAD to....
Except that sharp is sharp, and that the thumbnail test, the shaving arm hairs test, the cutting paper test, or those electron micrographs will tell you that the chisel is sharp or it isn't.A good spouse will always tell you it was good for them, either in truth, or out of love.
both at the same time..?? now that's clever..!!Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
This was supposed to be "humor" - did no one "get it?"
(see the thread "laughing at ouselves"...)
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
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I thought it was funny.
You omitted one:
1 to write a 17,000 word post explaining in numbing detail the exact procedure for sharpening a chisel, complete with electron micrographs of sharpened edges (correct and incorrect), an annotated bibliography, acknowledgement of his NAS funding source and answers to all conceivable questions except: how can he have any time left to use the chisel.
If you don't think too good, then don't think too much...
Yup. I did. Thanks :-)Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
"1 to tell a story of how he learned to sharpen chisels during his apprenticeship to a Scottish master."
Well, someone's got to keep all you dreaming weekend woodwhackers in touch with what it's like to have to learn how to earn a living at this game the old fashioned hard way, ha, ha. Slainte.
SD, wondered when you would catch that line. Glad you appreciated it.Thanks,
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
You failed to mention the guy who will respond with the dangers of ultra sharp chisels as they intersect the webbing of flesh that extends between the thumb and index finger.
Wicked Decent Woodworks
(oldest woodworking shop in NH)
Rochester NH
" If the women dont find you handsome, they should at least find you handy........yessa!"
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