Looking for a scroll saw for toys, etc. Looking at the Hegner and RBI Hawk. Any thoughts?
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I'm a Hegner fan. I (we) used a Hegner in a middle school shop for over 20 years with kids using (abusing) it on a daily basis. There were only two minor problems... First, we broke the power switch... no problem in replacing it, and second, the 'zig-zag' spring on the back of the arms broke. We replaced it with a standard coil spring as Hegner has done on its newer machines. A bit of oil every now and then on the arm bearing points and it is still in excellent condition and going strong. One scroll saw-er I know cut the front two lege of the stand a bit shorter so the whole machine is on a bit of a forward angle. She says it makes it easier to work while sitting on a nice padded swivel stool. Hegner offers two stand heights... check which one is more comfortable for you.
SawdustSteve in warm and sunny New York
Thanks for your response. I have heard a great deal about the Hegner saws and absent a note from someone on the RBI, would have gotten one without further evaluation. The only thing stopping me is that I try, whenever I can, to buy American...
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