Router base/sub base alignment
I’m very much new to these type of projects, fine woodworking that is, so please be patient. My router sub-base protrudes slightly beyond the base at different locations of the router. This poses a problem when the router is positioned against a guide. The sub base as the tendency to slip underneath the guide, hence the cut is no longer straight. What is the best solution to this problem? Thank you
Is there some reason that the guide isn't flush with the work? I'm just guessing here, but if for instance you're routing across a wide panel and in the middle it sags away from the straightedge guide, you need to completely support the panel from underneath. Find a way to keep the guide and work in proper relation throughout the cut.
David Ring
Exactly David.
This why chainfall is having the problem. If he doen't correctly support his work, it will never be true. JL
Many ways to steer a router; the subbase being the worst. The chip is always under the plate (fouling the footway), the diameter is rarely centered to the cutter, & surface tearout will pick the router up and screw up its pathway as you zip down the work.
Notwithstanding, Rockler, and others, sell replacement subbases that may be bigger than your OEM plate if you must go that rout, (1 painful pun, no?)
Better to work off a templet, above the fray, with collar or trim cutter, easier to locate the templet too. You know that the center of the cutter is steering on a line 1/2 the diameter of the collar ring away from the edge of the templet.
Thank you for the reply. How would you suggest cutting dadoes with a router?
With some sort of benchhook/right angle templet. Collar and straight bit of choice. 2 templets, separated x some calculated distance, can be used to hit the dado width with a cutter whose diameter is < the dado. A plunge router would be cool if the cut is so deep it has to be taken in stages.
See pix and such at the RAT link.
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