When I signed on here, due to my newness to this medium, I thought we were supposed to use a pseudonym. Since my dogs names were Root and Burl, and that is also the lowest and knurliest parts of a tree, this seemed fitting for my personification.
However, it has been pointed out to me that I may not be taken as a serious contributor of useful advice while not using my real name.
greetings from the REAL me. Keith
You scared the hell in me....gees!.
indeed, greetings - - glad the question begged in the title has a happy answer -
I think real names engender a thoughtfulness that may be lacking when one can hit and run anonymously -
pleased to meet you, kudos on your work - thanks for posting the picts -
Hey Root,
That was a scare.
Yikes, you think I should change my handle and profile too? I use to be serious, but after Bill and Monica, anything goes......
Wasn't Newton, that fella, who was proved not quite right by Einstein?
Nah, Newton's the guy with big hair who's been playing Vegas for the past 200 years...
Lofton (my real name)
Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to scare anyone, however I do feel a certain loss like part of me has been taken away.Wasn't Newton, that fella, who was proved not quite right by Einstein?
Seems I remember hearing something about him, I... something. Silly guy thought he could figure out how to make gold out of lead, but I am from the linage of Fig.Actually, I am the younger brother of Wood, the famous songwriter.
Yeah, well, the little Prospero smiley face also appears next to your "new" name, so I guess I'll keep you on my friends list ; - )
Anonymously yours,
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
Wait a minute Jazz, Is that something that I unknowingly put there? I thought I had thrown that mask away. I kinda feel nekid now. ( that is Arkansas speak for naked) I have been running around the shop yelling I am FREEeee! The world looks different when you are no longer peering out through the peep holes in that mask anymore.Why do you suppose those dogs looking at me so funny now? K
A piece of trivia - make of it what you will -
the variety of apple that Isaac epiphanied under? 'Flowers of Kent'
"there's enough for everyone"
David, is Flower of Kent a kind of Apple, and is there something significant about that? I am not familiar with that kind of apple if it is, and I only suppose that that would have been the one that fell and simultaneously launched the gravitational theory.i have bought and read several books about him. They are loaned out, and I will probably never see them again. You may know that he never married nor did he have any children, however my linage has been traced back to his dad's brother. His father died when he was a small child. His mom married soon after but his step-father didn't want him around, so the GPs kept him for a while before they sent him off.One of my favorite stories about things he discovered was how light works, and how he measured the wave-length of the colors, and how he probed behind his own eyeball with a tool of his own making, just so he would feel of the nerve coming out of the back. I think he blinded himself for a period. You have got to love somebody that will do something like that just to learn something to share with others, and advance the knowledge of humanity. The last book related to Iask was not about him but was his Book of Principe. It was full of the formula for predicting the elliptical paths of the planets using his gravitational theory. I wanted to see if I read his formulas, and if I could understand any of it. I struggled through the whole book without being able to go, Oh yea, I think I get that, and I have a pretty good knack for certain kinds of math, then on the last page he made a statement that he felt there was some kind of higher being.
At the time I read that, I thought it was probably something that he felt compelled to write because of the strangle-hold that religion had had on science, however since then, while I know he was doing an extreme amount of mental heavy-lifting, he must have felt that the information was coming to him from some higher being. At least that is the way that I feel after some of my brightest moments, or epiphanies if you will.Which leads me to present my latest " Newton Theory". See if you can figure it out.i~=0-U Keith
Well thanks everybody for your condolences. Since we are actually saying good-by to old Rootburl, maybe we should all write an obit for him and then I can see how you really feel. Ha Ha Ha............No wait a minute that may be tempting fate. which is short for feeling I'm about to get beat up and bruised a little bit. Later
i~=0-U Keith
gawd, please, no tests tonight... I'll run it by Marilyn Vos Savant...
'Flowers of Kent' is a variety of apple in the same sense that 'Red Delicious' is a variety - FoK just happened to release its fruit at stategic moment in Isaac's life - - the variety is maintained, tho unremarkable by modern standards, especially when grown in a midwestern US climate -
I've got a pict of my son under the FoK tree maintained by the Brogdale Horticultural Trust in England where we visited in 2000 - - can't find it at the moment, tho the rest of the photos are where they are suppose to be - oh well -
...that is the way that I feel after some of my brightest moments...
I grok what you are saying - I could wish for more of those moments - there are times when it just flows - -
regards - DOUD
"there's enough for everyone"
David, This equation came to me the other day, and I have been trying to figure out how to use it. i~=0-U.
i = me or the reader, ~= am more or less equal to, 0 zero or nothing, -U without you. I used a capital U to represent all of you, or all of humanity. So spoken, it says, "I am more or less equal to nothing without you". We are all connected to one another even without computers and forums.
It is more philosophy than math., Later Keith
The best books I read last year - The Baroque Cycle, by Neal Stephenson - contained quite a lot about Sir Isaac. The books are fiction, but well-researched and well grounded in the period. They are heavy going for some people, absolute page-turning delight for others...The first book is called "Quicksilver" and starts out with the young Isaac Newton as one of the main characters. The bit with the knitting needle in his eye is quite a scene. I recommend it to you, I think you might like it."Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." A. Einstein
Thanks I will put that on my list of things to read. does it tie the baroque period into the scientific stuff and the politics all together? Most of the time if you are reading about art, you miss what was going on in the other parts and VsaV.
Edited 6/30/2005 12:19 am ET by Keith Newton
Yes, that is exactly what The Baroque Cycle does. The overarching concept of the series is the revolution in Western thought during the period 1666 - 1714. The stories themselves are set within this context, using both real and fictional characters who get caught up in (or are driving forces for) the political and philosophical changes taking place. If you are already a fan of this time period, I imagine you will enjoy the books very much. I wasn't before I read them - I dislike Baroque art, architecture, and especially the furniture. (There's kind a subtle running gag in the books about how awful the furniture is.) But Stephenson makes it real and fascinating.The stories are dense and complex. Stephenson plots more or less linearly, but the plot is often obscure to the reader until the various elements begin to come together. There is a great deal of ornamentation, both in the prose style and in the plotting; extra information that isn't really part of the plot, but enhances the characters or their stories. (It may fairly be said that there is also a great deal of extra information that does neither!)I found them engrossing and couldn't wait for evenings when I could dive back into them. If you get a chance to read them, I'd love to hear what you think."Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." A. Einstein
Glad your still breathing and making sawdust, but whats in a name? Your advice and portfolio and personality are more who you are then a nom de plume. KDM
The Bill of Rights
December 15 1791
NRA Endowment Member
LEAA Life Member
CRPA Member
Congrats on your "coming out" Keith! Maybe if more do this we will wonder where all the old timers went? Ha..Ha
I did the same a while back. Nice to know your name, and glad you're still with us. My heart sank when I read the title to the post. Don't do that again!
Like Jeff said, don't do that again!
GeorgeGO CUBS!!!
I was imagining you died and a friend was telling us. the rumors of your death are exagerated.......I hope? Aloha, Mike
Man, that was a scary title. I'm at the age where friends are having heart attacks, strokes and other medical problems. I'm glad it's just your nom de plume that has past.
Either the advise you offer is worthwhile, or it isn't. I seldom pay attention to names and if you have something good to say, it doesn't matter, to me, who said it. It's pretty easy to tell the seasoned pros from those that aren't on this forum. Any public forum on any topic draws a certain number of nuts, no matter what name they use. Your comments, Keith, are those of an experienced woodworker. I'm glad that you participate, here at Knots, and share your hard earned knowledge.
I don't know who's advice you are taking on the name change but you have earned credibility, for me, by what you have said, not who said it. Does this mean you will be offended if we still call you, Rootburl? That was a great name, you should give the boys an extra Milkbone for letting you borrow it.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Hammer, and all,I suspect I'm the reason for Keith shedding his psuedonym. I'll leave it to him to divulge why if he so chooses. Using a psuedonym is fine for social banter which is 98% of what these forums are all about but if you want to take it further than simple social banter a psuedonym will limit you.Look at it this way, if I used the handle "Grinner" and you came to respect me for what I knew, my wonderful sense of humor and charming good looks and we met in person at a BBQ and I introduced myself as Lee Grindinger, you know, I'm Grinner, You would not respect Lee Grindinger as much as you respect that "Grinner" you read on the forums because it's "Grinner" that has all those great qualities. I use my real name on forums and when I meet people either through email or in person it is to my advantage that they immediately make the connection about who I am and they don't need some introduction like "You know, I'm Grinner."Psuedonyms have one purpose, to mask identity. If a person wants to become noteworthy because of what they contribute it's counterproductive to mask your identity and place a hurdle to credibility in front of you. I'm glad that Keith has done this because I give more credibility to one who does not hide his identity, Keith's words will stick more now and if we meet he will be immediately associated with his contributions.To those who choose to use psuedonyms, carry on. I'm not out to change the way people use forums but if you want to take it to ####professional level drop the psuedonyms. Not all are interested in this craft at a professional level.LeeMontanaFest
Thanks Lee. I had no intentions of fingering you as Rootburls assassin. I would not have made the change if I had felt you were wrong.I had been planning to anyway, and had started once, and even commented that it seems odd that if you want to update your profile, under occupation, you have to choose from a list, and there is no professional woodworker in that list. You can check graphic artist, but there is no sculptor, or professional turner.Anyway, thanks again for helping me move on. I don't come here to post responses to show-off. I just like to help people who need my help. Later Keith
Keith, you are very knowledable and talented. Do not underestimate the power of these forums to further your career in any number of ways. I'd like to see some of your Art Nouveau carvings for furniture and cabinetry sometime.LeeMontanaFest
I will have to dig to find some. I used to shoot everything on slides, and have never been good at filing things, and I have done a huge amount of work that I never even photographed. If I can find them I will have to have them scanned. I don't have a scanner. I have not done any Nouveau since the eighties.Here are some carved turnings that probably have their roots in Art Nouveau.
later K
Nice work. As far a using real name to be considered a "real" wodworker is a questionable attitude. I live north of you on a nice lake. Rural. Minimal law enforcement. With the money I have tied up with equipment and supplies, I prefer that the less than honorable readers of this forum not know exactly who I am or exactly where I do my work.
Don't get me wrong -- I'm not famous like Norm who keeps his shop location secret. Just cautious.
By the way. Where in LR do you shop? I have not found any true woodworking stores. Did visit PC Hardware several times but was very disappointed. I now go to Memphis, Dallas, or Kansas City. Or I shop on the "net".A bad day woodworking is better than a good day working -- yes, I'm retired!
Hogan Hardwoods bought out Paxton. they have a place in jacksonville, but are in the process of moving the main store back to LR just south of 65th on Gyer springs, to the R on Sears dr.You can get most exotics, and any domestic. + P/W abrasives, slides, router-bits , hinges etc. but not equipment.what do you need?PC once was the big Hardware, now getting pounded by the big box stores.
I shop Hogan in Jacksonville a lot for all my wood. Melvin on the front counter is extremely helpful. I also have a salesman who handles some of my larger orders. It would just be nice to shop in something like Woodcraft which is a fun toy store. :-)
I was hoping that you had a "secret" store I had not discovered.A bad day woodworking is better than a good day working -- yes, I'm retired!
FYI: saw this browsing the headlines today -
Lost notes of Isaac Newton found
Notes on alchemy disappeared after 1936 auction
LONDON - A collection of notes by the 17th century English mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton, that scientists thought had been lost forever, have been found....
"there's enough for everyone"
WOW!! This should prove to be fascinating! This part of his studies may turn out to be a total hoax, but will only show that someone can be an over-the-top genius, while at the same time be following a path that everyone else thinks is just plain looney.Conversely, Maybe this will make people today to take a second look at people like me, that some would consider just plain looney, and wonder if there is more hidden underneath than what appears on the surface to be incomprehensible. What a fun thought! I will be looking forward to reading more about this. Thanks David, Keith
If a person wants to become noteworthy because of what they contribute it's counterproductive to mask your identity and place a hurdle to credibility in front of you.
ummmmm.. does this mean I gotta switch the Sunday-go-t-meetin name for my nic to escape association with the stuff I've built..??? It'd really be that simple..????
;)Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
Well, I've not seen the work to which you refer so the best I can do is wish for you fast legs to outdistance those associations. Godspeed.LeeMontanaFest
I guess I didn't figure Rootburl for such a push over, Lee. You'd have to come up with something better than a bit of dubious notoriety and recognition at the BBQ for this paranoid. How about an extra piece of pie or some router bits?Respectfully,
Hammer (My real nickname)Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Hammer, I could not possibly care less whether you or anyone else changes their name or not. LeeMontanaFest
Thanks Hammer, the respect is mutual, and feel free to keep calling me rootburl, or just root or burl.
Well Keith, it seems like you shocked a lot of us with the title, but no harm done. Just don't make it a habit.
(no mystery, it's short for David Ring)
However, it has been pointed out to me that I may not be taken as a serious contributor of useful advice while not using my real name.
What? Does this mean I'm supposed to now give less credence to the opinions of Cher, Madonna, RuPaul, Sting, The Rock, Carrot-Top, Cowboy Troy, 50-Cent (and other rappers too numerous to mention), .....
Please say it isn't so ;-)
Waddaya mean it wont fit through the door?
Now if we could just get rid of the insipid "ShyWoodlandCreature."
At the time of joining this forum I had become quite tired of supplying nicknames, passwords,codes, aliases, stand-ins , codes , finger prints, photos etc, due to the immigration process: so I hit upon the idea of supplying the one nickname that I could remember-MOOKAROID- given to me at school. I have no trouble remembering this name , but see no reason at all to use it on this forum and have therefore emulated the former RootBurl and consigned the name to history....
Hopefully I will still be as welcome as I was initially.
Philip Marcou
Hey Philip, Welcome to the real world,,,,,,,,, well sort of, the real cyber-world.
is there a story or hidden meaning behind the name Mookroid?Is it OK if your old friends still call you Mook? good luck, Keith
I'm starting to think someone here is not only powerful, but also very influential.
Lee barked and we all jumped to attention, how is that for power and obedience....
Willie, shall I send Guido over for a little, ummm, talk with you?I have no power or influence here. I simply offered a bit advice to some who could possibly benefit from having their names associated with their knowledge. As with any advice here everyone is free to ignore it. Why should it seem odd that business advice be offered? Truthfully, my years of drivel in these forums have done my career more good than all the other money I've poured into self promotion combined. Amateurs need not sweat it. Professionals are in a different situation. As a professional you never know where your next job will come from but it's pretty safe to assume that no one will commission work from someone calling themselves "Grinner".LeeMontanaFest
Edited 6/30/2005 5:39 pm ET by Lee_Grindinger
Aahh Lee,
Don't be so modest, one note on the forum, and you got three of us to change our handles.
Use to be Jellyrug, now you have my real name.... Perhaps one day I'll come back as Forestboy.
Willem J Martins (the 8th)
And who would order anything from the black knife, Lee?
I know we've discussed it before, but I'm fond of my handle and I've been using it for so long I've almost got a separate personality.
Anyway, if anyone wants to know who really lurks behind the facade a simple bit of clicking will tell them all they might want to know, and perhaps some they don't.
I don't think many people are fooled by my handle anymore anyway, so I may as well just keep it, ha, ha. Slainte.RJFurniture
The only thing I'd order from you is another round.There's little hope for a Scot. I recall that you tried life on the bright side but gave it up because you felt naked, or less ornery, or civil, or sober, or all of the above. Hey, are you all settled in to your new job? LeeMontanaFest
Edited 6/30/2005 7:30 pm ET by Lee_Grindinger
Not yet Lee. We're moving to our new home in Leeds at the end of July. The new job up there starts sometime in August-- but I'm already doing a bit of work for the course I'll be running, but only when time allows.
Meanwhile I'm working hard at helping the students at the college I'm working at now get ready for a big show in London, New Designers which features work from students all over the country.
And you're right, I didn't like being 'me' in forums. I did try it for about a fortnight some years ago, but I prefer the cranky old bugger that is Sgian Dubh, ha, ha. Slainte.RJFurniture
Well, if Ruthie and I make it over there I'm expecting drafty castles, warm ale and someone around who can speak American. We're cooking up a two week trip to Hawaii next year to celebrate out 25th so our travel budget is a bit taut. Who knows?LeeMontanaFest
Hey Sgian, do all of your students pretty much dodge the guild system? I suppose artsy fartsy types can open shops exempt from guild certification. LeeMontanaFest
guild...??? guild...????? don't tell me.. Dolly has a closet following....????????????????Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
Oddly enough Lee the guilds aren't all dead. many have mutated into more contemporary forms. There's a Guild of Master Carpenters for instance, and the Guild of Master Craftsmen, and so on.
Guild marks are awarded to makers of various trades and it can be helpful to become a member depending upon your particular trade and the market you serve.
But it's true that applying for membership of a particular guild is pretty much voluntary nowadays.
I'm skipping a lot of information for brevity, and to save me doing quite a bit of research to give a reasonably detailed response, ha, ha. Slainte.RJFurniture
Mookmeister.... Live and unleashed...
is the world ready for this..??
;)Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
Welcome to another Keith. I have been participating for some time under my real name Keith. To avoid confusion, my whole name is Keith Price. I suggest we use both our first and last names so they don't think I speak with a drawl. eh!
Keith Price
Campbell River BC
Hey! I sound like the local news anchor on your TV. I grew up only about 50 miles from Bill Clinton, and lived less than eight blocks from him for about 16 years. Does he have a drawl to you?
Just in case nobody told you, Arkansas is the center of the Universe. Sorry you are stuck up there in the cold dark North, although It sounds pretty good right now. Is Cambell River a town, or are you stuck on an Ice flow somewhere along the river, living off of seals and such?Oh sorry, I just looked it up and found that you are on Vancouver Island near Elk Falls. That sounds like a great place. Is that where elk just come charging over the edge to their death, and you and your friends just go out and cut off a ham, throw it on the grill and have a party? Say, You wouldn't happen to have a sailboat that you would like to loan me for a couple of weeks would you? I took a cruise ship up the "Straights of Georgia" by you, a few years back, up to Seward Ak, then drove up to Denali, the back down to Seward and where we did a bare-boat charter for 4 days. What a trip, I want to go back, and do it again, only slower. later, K
Sounds like you had a great trip, I have taken the Alaska cruise as well as gone there by road and once flew there, back when I still had an aircraft. It is a long drive even starting from here.To answer you other questions, we do have Rooseveldt elk here but we mainly live on salmon. The way the seals are multiplying here and taking hooked salmon off our lines we may have to start eating seal, we sure have enough of them to sustain us.
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